Example Reading List 2009-10

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This is an example of a reading list in FrontPage. It has been constructed for use in reading list training sessions. If you require help or support using the Reading List Template please contact clt-support@lse.ac.uk.

Core reading (recommended for purchase)
Bibliographic details Links
Secker, J. (2004) Electronic resources in the Virtual Learning Environment: a practical guide for librarians. Chandos Publishing: Oxford. ZA4060 S44
Secker, J. (2009) Copyright and E-learning: a guide for practitioners. Facet Publishing: London. On order

Background reading
Bibliographic details Links
Chatzigavriil, A., Roger, K. and Lingard, M. (2008). ALT Conference 2008. Association for Learning Technology Newsletter. Issue 14 October 2008. Read Chatzigavriil et al. (2008)
Secker, J., Boden, D. and Price, G. (2007) The Information Literacy Cookbook: ingredients, tasters and recipes for success.  Chandos Publishing: Oxford. ZA3075 I41
Murphy, A.E. (1997) John Law: Economic Theorist and Policy-maker. Oxford University Press: Oxford. Read Murphy (1997)
Secker, J. (2009) Test Reading for Moodle Reading List Training. LSE. Read Secker (2009)

Week 1 readings
Bibliographic details Links
Lingard, M. & Didiot-Cook, H. (2008) Winning with Wimba? From early enthusiasts to the mainstream at a UK University, Presentation at Wimba Connect 2008, Orlando, Florida, 5th March. Read Lingard & Didiot-Cook (2008)
Wells, J. and Wills, D. (2000) Revolution, Restoration, and Debt Repudiation: The Jacobite Threat to England's Institutions and Economic Growth. The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 418-441. Read Wells & Wills (2000)

Week 2 readings
Bibliographic details Links
Secker, J. (2008). Social software and libraries: a literature review from the LASSIE project. Program. 42 (3), 215-231. Read Secker (2009)
Lemieux, A.M. and Clarke, R.V. (2009) The international ban on ivory sales and its effects on elephant poaching in Africa by British Journal of Criminology. 49 (4), 451 – 471. Read Lemieux (2009)

Week 3 readings
Bibliographic details Links
Bond, S. & Ryan, S. (2007) Developing re-usable and re-purposable tools to enhance student learning: some lessons from the DART project. Presentation at ED-MEDIA 2007 conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 25- June 29, 2007. Read Bond and Ryan (2007)

Week 4 readings
Bibliographic details Links
Marks, P., Bond, S. & Stern, P. (2006) A transferable multimedia tool for blended learning in introductory anthropology: results from Canada and the UK. Paper presented to ICEL 2006 conference, Montréal, Canada, 22nd June 2006. Read Marks et al. (2006)
Secker, J. and Fryer, C. (2008). Information Literacy and RSS feeds at LSE. In: Godwin, P. and Parker, J. (eds). Information Literacy Meets Library 2.0. London: Facet. Read Secker & Fryer (2008)