Documents Template

We strongly recommend that you base your WebCT text documents on this template, which embodies formatting styles and table designs which enhance accessibility as well as improving the appearance of HTML pages. For a better explanation of why to use these templates, see the "Reasons for using the Templates" document.

Formatting to improve accessibility

Formatting used for visual appearance


This is what the Heading styles look like:

Heading One Style

Heading Two Style

Heading Three Style

Heading Four Style

Heading Five Style
Heading Six Style


Just delete any content you do not want to use. We can show you how all this works; mail us at for help and training.

(This is where you can place a caption for the table, e.g.  Week One)
Item Text
1 Text describing the first option or content.
2 Text describing the second option or content.
3 Text describing the third option or content.