The course will focus on the three main asset classes – fixed income, stocks, and derivatives – giving a unified perspective of modern valuation methods. The starting point will be the present value formula. The course will then proceed to fixed-income securities, focusing mainly on government bonds. These will be valued off the term structure of interest rates, using the present value formula. The connection with the principle of no-arbitrage will be emphasized. The course will then move to stocks, starting with portfolio theory and then deriving the relation between risk and return (CAPM). The CAPM will provide a risk-adjusted discount rate that will be used to discount stocks’ cash flows with the present value formula. Alternative pricing models such as the APT and multi-factor will also be covered, and the models will be applied to issues of asset allocation and portfolio selection. The last topic will be derivatives, especially futures and options. After familiarizing students with the use of derivatives, the course will cover the main valuation methods (binomial model, Black-Scholes) emphasizing again the principle of no-arbitrage.