Site news

New Moodle Pages for 2024/25 Now Available

by Sumayyah Islam -

The new Moodle course pages for the upcoming 2024/25 academic year are now available to edit.  

They can be found within the ‘Future’ section of both ‘My Courses’ and the ‘Course Overview’ block on the LSE Moodle dashboard of those with editing rights. These courses are exact duplicates of the current course page, excluding old student data, and will remain hidden until you decide to make them visible to students. 

There are several resources available which you can refer to for further details and guidance: 

If you have any further questions, please reach out to 

REMINDER: LSE Moodle Refresh - 7 September 2023

by Abigail Myers -

This is a reminder the annual Moodle Refresh is scheduled to take place on Thursday 7 September during which LSE Moodle will be unavailable to ALL users for up to 24 hours.

Course owners who would like to opt their course(s) out of the Moodle Refresh must tag their course(s) as "Do Not Refresh". Please see the LSE Moodle Refresh guide for further details.

Moodle Refresh: LSE Moodle Unavailable on 7 September 2023

by Abigail Myers -

The annual Moodle Refresh is scheduled to take place on Thursday 7 September during which LSE Moodle will be unavailable to ALL users for up to 24 hours.  

The refresh will allow for all courses to be reset and old student enrolments to be removed in preparation for the new academic year. Refreshed courses will be hidden by default and can be made visible to students manually once ready for release. Please be assured that course content will NOT be affected by the refresh.

Course owners who would like to opt their course(s) out of the Moodle Refresh must tag their course(s) as "Do Not Refresh". Please see the LSE Moodle Refresh guide for further details. 

As previously mentioned, ALL courses within the LSE Moodle Archive 2022/23 will also be hidden by default following the refresh. If you wish for your archived course(s) to remain visible, please contact the appropriate team within your department or   

Abigail Myers 

Learning Technologist 

LSE Eden Centre for Education Enhancement 

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