Welcome to Level 1 Consent.Ed. All students are expected to complete this online module followed by completion of Level 2 Consent.Ed, a 90 minute in-person workshop as part of their departmental induction. 

This online module will cover the key content and principles surrounding consent at LSE. The course aims to empower students to make positive decisions about their own relationships and interactions with others and provide information on where you can get support whilst you are studying at LSE. The training takes approximately 45 minutes, but you can complete it at your own pace.

Content Warning: Both the online and in-person course materials for Consent.Ed discuss topics of sexual assault, harassment, abuse and rape. We recognise the sensitive nature of Consent.Ed and students who feel unable to participate for personal reasons can opt out. Please note that there is the option to attend a survivor-only session for Level 2 Consent.Ed. To learn more about the survivor-only sessions click here.

To request booking information for survivor-only sessions or to opt out please click here.

For information on support available at LSE please click here

If you have any questions or issues accessing the course please do let the team know at su.consent@lse.ac.uk.