LSE LIFE is declaring independence - and it needs your help!

LSE LIFE is declaring independence - and it needs your help!

by LTI Support -
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Brexit ScrabbleOn Saturday 18 March, LSE LIFE is declaring Workspace 4 independent from the UK. We will be celebrating our new found independence with a student-led symposium on Europe. What would you like this independent country to look like? What would you like to say about Europe? Should our independent state stay in Europe or leave? Do you have a poem, play, a talk, a rap battle, a culinary tour of your favourite European country, or some research about Europe that you would like to share with others?

LSE LIFE is looking for a committee of students to design, organise, and run this student symposium. This is your symposium. We’re looking for new and creative ideas that offer students the chance to debate and consider Europe in a different way.

How to apply to the committee?

Submit to us in 200 words or less your design for a dream symposium. Think creatively, we’re looking for innovative and imaginative ideas. We’ll invite the best applicants in to discuss their ideas in person. You can apply either individually, as a pair or as small group.

Submit your design to by Friday 3rd February with the Subject: ‘LSE Life – Europe’ .

Good luck!