The Moodle refresh has been completed successfully ahead of time and is now operational.
Here's a reminder of what the Moodle Refresh entailed:
- Courses that were refreshed are hidden from the students
- 'Do not refresh' courses remain untouched and visible
- Data (including assignments and logs) for Students, Auditing Students, and Teachers has been removed (teachers will be re-enrolled, but this may take a day or two). Managers and editors are not removed.
- The Cohorts were emptied, but will start to be repopulated with 2022-23 data from tomorrow Sep 9th
- Course start dates are all set to midnight, Monday 26th September, 2022 (including Lent Term courses)
Please see our guidance on Getting your Moodle course ready for the start of term.
Best wishes,
The Eden Centre Digital Education team