Unitu is a brilliant new platform that allows students to connect directly to students in their institution, department and in every course module, with ready-made online groups. By registering using your LSE email address you’ll be joining other LSE students, enabling you to share resources between your fellow students, and easily connect with your Student Staff Liaison Committee Course Representatives, and your Students’ Union. Unitu is a free to use platform and will encourage student debate, study groups, question-answering and peer-to-peer review all enclosed in a student-only environment.
The platform has chosen LSE as its pioneering student community, with over 225 LSE degree-courses and 1410 modules already registered. Join today to instantly connect to other LSE students and become part of the most dynamic social media education platforms around. Encourage your lecturers to add a permanent Moodle block for Unitu to their course’s Moodle page to help make sure all students doing the same modules can have easy access to each other.
I really hope you find this site helpful in your studies. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to get in touch at su.education@lse.ac.uk
Rosie Coleman
LSESU Education Officer