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EC328 - Economics of Diversity and Discrimination 2024/25
LL244 Sports: Law and Governance (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LSE Community Engagement Programme 2025
MC434 Digital Platforms and Media Infrastructures
MC434 Digital Platforms and Media Infrastructures 2024/25
MG5A1 - A Social Sciences Perspective of Academic Research in Management
MG5A1 - A Social Sciences Perspective of Academic Research in Management 2024/25
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education 2024/25
Principles of Teaching in Higher Education 2024/25
'Supporting Student Mental Health and Wellbeing' guidance module for LSE staff
'Supporting Student Mental Health and Wellbeing' guidance module for LSE staff 2024/25
2020-21 RESTORE: GY245 - Quantitative Methods in Geography
2020-21 RESTORE: LL4BP - Current Issues in Intellectual and Cultural Property Law
2020-21 RESTORE: LL4Z6 - Comparative Constitutional Law
2021-22 RESTORE: EC210 - Macroeconomic Principles
2021-22 RESTORE: FM402 - Financial Risk Analysis
2021-22 RESTORE: FM445 - Portfolio Management
2021-22 RESTORE: FM473M - Financial Markets (Michaelmas)
2021-22 RESTORE: FM474L - Managerial Finance (Lent)
AC100 - Elements of Accounting and Finance
AC102 - Elements of Financial Accounting
AC102 - Elements of Financial Accounting 2024/25
AC103 - Elements of Management Accounting, Financial Management and Financial Institutions
AC103 - Elements of Management Accounting, Financial Management and Financial Institutions 2024/25
AC105 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
AC105 - Introduction to Financial Accounting 2024/25
AC106 - Introduction to Management Accounting
AC106 - Introduction to Management Accounting 2024/25
AC200 Accounting Theory and Practice
AC205 Intermediate Financial Accounting 24/25
AC206 Intermediate Management Accounting 24/25
AC311 - Results Accountability and Management Control for Strategy Implementation (0.5)
AC311 - Results Accountability and Management Control for Strategy Implementation (0.5) 2024/25
AC312 - Performance Measurement, Strategy, and Uncertainty (0.5)
AC312 - Performance Measurement, Strategy, and Uncertainty (0.5) 2024/25
AC331 - Contemporary Issues in Financial Accounting (0.5)
AC331 - Contemporary Issues in Financial Accounting (0.5) 2024/25
AC332 - Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation (0.5)
AC332 - Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation (0.5) 2024/25
AC341 - Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Financial Audit (0.5)
AC341 - Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Financial Audit (0.5) 2024/25
AC342 - Accounting, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
AC342 - Accounting, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability 2024/25
AC411 - Accounting, Strategy and Control
AC411 - Accounting, Strategy and Control 2024/25
AC412 - Accountability, Organizations and Risk Management
AC412 - Accountability, Organizations and Risk Management 2024/25
AC415 - Management Accounting for Decision Making
AC415 - Management Accounting for Decision Making 2024/25
AC416 - Topics in Financial Reporting
AC416 - Topics in Financial Reporting 2024/25
AC417 - Corporate Financial Disclosure and Investor Relations
AC417 - Corporate Financial Disclosure and Investor Relations 2024/25
AC424/AC502 - Accounting, Organisations and Institutions
AC424/AC502 - Accounting, Organisations and Institutions 2024/25
AC444 - Valuation and Security Analysis
AC444 - Valuation and Security Analysis 2024/25
AC470 - Accounting in the Global Economy
AC470 - Accounting in the Global Economy 2024/25
AC480 - Quantitative Methods in Accounting and Finance
AC480 - Quantitative Methods in Accounting and Finance 2024/25
AC490 Management Accounting, Decisions and Control
AC490 Management Accounting, Decisions and Control 2024/25
AC491 Financial Accounting, Reporting and Disclosure
AC491 Financial Accounting, Reporting and Disclosure 2024/25
AC493 - Financial and Management Accounting for Managerial Decision Making
AC493 - Financial and Management Accounting for Managerial Decision Making 2024/25
AC494 - Dissertation in Accounting, Organisations and Institutions
AC494 - Dissertation in Accounting, Organisations and Institutions 2024/25
AC495 Dissertation in Economics of Accounting
AC500/4 - Topics in Accounting Research (AOI) 2024/25
AC506/1 - Topics in Accounting Research (EoA) 2024/25
AC599 - Research Paper in Accounting 2024/25
AI for social sciences
An Introduction to Research Integrity (UKRIO)
AN102 - Ethnography through Mixed Media
AN102 - Ethnography through Mixed Media 2024/25
AN200 The Anthropology of Kinship, Sex and Gender 2024/25
AN205 - The Anthropology of Melanesia 2024/25
AN226 - Political and Legal Anthropology
AN226 - Political and Legal Anthropology 2024/25
AN237 - The Anthropology of Development 2024/25
AN256 - Economic Anthropology (1): Production and Exchange
AN256 - Economic Anthropology (1): Production and Exchange 2024/25
AN276 Anthropology and the Anthropocene 2024/25
AN277 Topics in the Anthropology of sub-Saharan Africa
AN280 - Public Anthropology
AN284 - Anthropological Approaches to Race, Racism, and Decolonisation 2024/25
AN285 - Mind and Society 2024/25
AN292 - Anthropological Entanglements in the Middle East
AN298 - Fieldwork in London: Learning Ethnographic Methods 2024/25
AN303 - Advanced Theory of Social Anthropology
AN303 - Advanced Theory of Social Anthropology 2024/25
AN357 Economic Anthropology (2): Transformation and Globalisation
AN357 Economic Anthropology (2): Transformation and Globalisation 2024/25
AN393 - Language, Signs, World, Action! Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
AN405 The Anthropology of Kinship, Sex and Gender 2024/25
AN424 - The Anthropology of Melanesia 2024/25
AN436 - The Anthropology of Development 2024/25
AN447 - China in Comparative Perspective
AN447 - China in Comparative Perspective 2024/25
AN451 - Anthropology of Politics
AN451 - Anthropology of Politics 2024/25
AN476 - Anthropology and the Anthropocene 2024/25
AN477 Topics in the Anthropology of sub-Saharan Africa - Half Unit
AN479 - Anthropology of Law
AN479 - Anthropology of Law 2024/25
AN484 - Anthropological Approaches to Race, Racism, and Decolonisation 2024/25
AN485 - Mind and Society 2024/25
AN492 Anthropological Entanglements in the Middle East
AN493 - Language, Signs, World, Action! Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
AN497 Dissertation: MSc in Social Anthropology (Religion in the Contemporary World) 2024/25
AN498 - Dissertation: MSc China in Comparative Perspective 2024/25
AN499 - Dissertation 2024/25
Approaches to Human Rights
ARCHIVE - HP4C3E Economic Evaluation in Health Care 2023/4
ARCHIVE - HP4C3E Economic Evaluation in Health Care June 2023
ARCHIVE - HP4F5E Health Care Regulation 2023/24
ARCHIVE - HP4G1E - Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation - December 2022
ARCHIVE - HP4G1E - Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation - June 2023
Archive HP4A2E Health Administration and Management - June 2023
Archive HP4A2E Health Administration and Management 2023/4
Archive HP4A3E Resource Allocation and Cost-effectiveness Analysis 2023/4
Archive HP4A3E Resource Allocation and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis June 2023
Archive HP4B7E Advanced Health Economics June 2023
Archive HP4B7E Advanced Health Economics June 2023/24
Archive HP4D5E Methods for Evaluating Health Programmes and Policies - HP4D5E_2023/24
BSc Accounting and Finance
BSc Accounting and Finance 2024/25
BSc Actuarial Science – Placement Year Students 2024/25
BSc Actuarial Science, BSc Data Science, and BSc Mathematics, Statistics and Business 2024/25
BSc Finance - Year 1 2024/25
BSc Finance - Year 2 2024/25
BSc Finance - Year 3 2024/25
BSc Management
BSc Psychological and Behavioural Science Programme Page
BSc Psychological and Behavioural Science Programme Page 2024/25
Careers - Venture@LSECareers
Case Study Skills Group
Challenging and Transforming Inequalities (AFSEE Module Three)
Chinese Online Self-Assessment Centre (网上中文自测中心) 2024/25
Classical Social Thought
Codecademy: Introduction to Cybersecurity
Codecademy: Learn CSS
Codecademy: Learn HTML
Codecademy: Learn Intermediate CSS
Codecademy: Learn R
Codecademy: Learn SQL
Community Action Projects
Computer Vision for Economic History
Consent.Ed Level 1 Online Module for All Students 2024/25
Convene@LSE Law
Creating and Using Pre-recorded Content
Cultural Theory and Cultural Forms
Dataquest: APIs in R
Dataquest: web scraping in R
Department of Government - GV4-RDAP
Department of Government - GV4-RDAP 2024/25
Department of Government Master's Programmes 2024/25
Department of Management - General
Department of Media and Communications
Department of Media and Communications 2024/25
Developing a systematic search strategy
Digital accessibility for inclusive education
Digital Accessibility Workshop
Doctoral Training Course (LL500)
Doctoral Training Course (LL500) 2024/25
DoM Teaching Hub
Dr. Sunil Kumar | Mentee Space
Dr. Sunil Kumar | Mentee Space 2024/25
DS101A Fundamentals of Data Science
DS101A Fundamentals of Data Science 2024/25
DS101W Fundamentals of Data Science
DS105A — Data for Data Science (2023/24 Autumn)
DS105A — Data for Data Science (Autumn) 2024/25
DS105W — Data for Data Science (Winter) 2023/24
DS105W — Data for Data Science (Winter) 2024/25
DS202A — Data Science for Social Scientists (Autumn)
DS202A — Data Science for Social Scientists (Autumn) 2024/25
DS202W — Data Science for Social Scientists (Winter)
DS202W — Data Science for Social Scientists (Winter) 2024/25
DS205 Advanced Data Manipulation 2024/25
DV407 - Poverty 2024/25
DV410 - Research Design and Dissertation in International Development 2024/25
DV410 - Research Design and Dissertation in International Development 23/24
DV418 - African Development
DV418: African Development 2024/25
DV420 - Complex Emergencies 2024/25
DV421 - Critical Perspectives on Global Health and Development 2024/25
DV424 - International Institutions and Late Development 2024/25
DV428 - Managing Humanitarianism
DV428 - Managing Humanitarianism 2024/25
DV431 - Development Management 2024/25
DV442 - Key Issues in Development Studies
DV444 - Global Health Challenges: Epidemics, Disease, and Public Health Response 2024/25
DV445 - Cutting Edge Issues in Development Thinking and Practice 2024/25
DV453 - International Development Consultancy Project 2024/25
DV454 - Gender, labour markets and social change in the Global South: theory, evidence, public action
DV455 - Advocacy, Campaigning and Grassroots activism 2024/25
DV456 - Population, Health and Development: Evidence and Projections 2024/25
DV457: Sexual and Reproductive Health Programmes: Design, Implementation & Evaluation
DV457: Sexual and Reproductive Health Programmes: Design, Implementation & Evaluation 2024/25
DV458 - Key issues in Global Health and Development
DV462 Forced Migration and Refugees 2024/25
DV462 Forced Migration and Refugees 2023/24
DV464 - Democracy and Development
DV464 - Democracy and Development 2024/25
DV466 - Humanitarian Consultancy Project 2024/25
DV467 – Famine, Data Skills and Analysis 2024/25
DV480 - Transforming Society: Revolutions, Evolutions and Colonialism 2024/25
DV490 - Economic Development Policy I 2024/25
DV492: Economic Development Policy III: Government Policy Analysis 2024/25
DV494 - Foundations of Applied Econometrics for Economic Development Policy 2024/25
DV496 Applied Econometrics for Economic Development Policy 2024/25
DV501 - Development History, Theory and Policy for Research Students 2024/25
EC1A1 - Microeconomics I
EC1A1 - Microeconomics I 2024/25
EC1A3 - Microeconomics I
EC1A3 - Microeconomics I 2024/25
EC1A5 - Microeconomics I
EC1A5 - Microeconomics I 2024/25
EC1B1 - Macroeconomics I 2024/25
EC1B3 - Macroeconomics I
EC1B3 - Macroeconomics I 2024/25
EC1B3 for Zoonou
EC1B5 - Macroeconomics I
EC1B5 - Macroeconomics I 2024/25
EC1C1 - Econometrics I
EC1C1 - Econometrics I 2024/25
EC1P1 - Economics 2024/25
EC201 - Microeconomic Principles I
EC230 - Economics in Public Policy
EC230 - Economics in Public Policy 2024/25
EC241 - PPE Interdisciplinary Research Seminar
EC241 - PPE Interdisciplinary Research Seminar 2024/25
EC2A0 - Introductory Course in Microeconomic Principles
EC2A0 - Introductory Course in Microeconomic Principles 2024/25
EC2A1 - Microeconomics II
EC2A1 - Microeconomics II 2024/25
EC2A3 - Microeconomics II
EC2A3 - Microeconomics II 2024/25
EC2A5 - Microeconomics II
EC2A5 - Microeconomics II 2024/25
EC2B1 - Macroeconomics II
EC2B1 - Macroeconomics II 2024/25
EC2B3 - Macroeconomics II
EC2B3 - Macroeconomics II 2024/25
EC2B5 - Macroeconomics II
EC2B5 - Macroeconomics II 2024/25
EC2C1 - Econometrics II
EC2C1 - Econometrics II 2024/25
EC2C3 - Econometrics I
EC2C3 - Econometrics I 2024/25
EC2C4 - Econometrics II
EC2C4 - Econometrics II 2024/25
EC302 - Political Economy
EC307 - Development Economics
EC307 - Development Economics 2024/25
EC310 - Behavioural Economics
EC310 - Behavioural Economics 2024/25
EC313 - Industrial Economics
EC313 - Industrial Economics 2024/25
EC317 - Labour Economics
EC317 - Labour Economics 2024/25
EC319 - Games & Economic Behavior
EC319 - Games & Economic Behavior 2024/25
EC321 - Monetary Economics and Aggregate Fluctuations
EC321 - Monetary Economics and Aggregate Fluctuations 2024/25
EC325 - Public Economics
EC325 - Public Economics 2024/25
EC330 Environmental Economics 2024/25
EC331 - Quantitative Economics Project
EC331 - Quantitative Economics Project 2024/25
EC333 - Problems of Applied Econometrics
EC333 - Problems of Applied Econometrics 2024/25
EC334 - Advanced Macroeconomics
EC334 - Advanced Macroeconomics 2024/25
EC336 - Econometric Theory A 2024/25
EC339 - International Macroeconomics
EC339 - International Macroeconomics 2024/25
EC400 Introductory Courses in Mathematics and Statistics 2024
EC402 - Econometrics
EC402 - Econometrics 2024/25
EC411 - Microeconomics
EC411 - Microeconomics 2024/25
EC413 - Macroeconomics - 2024/25
EC413 - Macroeconomics - 2023/24
EC417 - Advanced Macroeconomics
EC417 - Advanced Macroeconomics 2024/25
EC421 - International Economics
EC421 - International Economics 2024/25
EC423 - Labour Economics
EC423 - Labour Economics 2024/25
EC424 - Monetary Economics and Aggregate Fluctuations
EC424 - Monetary Economics and Aggregate Fluctuations 2024/25
EC426 - Public Economics
EC426 - Public Economics 2024/25
EC427 - The Economics of Industry
EC427 - The Economics of Industry 2024/25
EC428 - Development and Growth
EC428 - Development and Growth 2024/25
EC441 - Microeconomics for MRes Students
EC441 - Microeconomics for MRes Students 2024/25
EC442 - Macroeconomics for MRes Students
EC442 - Macroeconomics for MRes Students 2024/25
EC443 - Econometrics for MRes Students 2024/25
EC452E - Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery and Policy 2019-20
EC452E - Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery and Policy 2020-21
EC452E - Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery and Policy 2021-22
EC452E - Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery and Policy 2022-23
EC452E - Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery and Policy 2023-24
EC452E Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery and Policy 2018-19
EC453 - Political Economy
EC453 - Political Economy 2024/25
EC465 Economic Growth, Development, and Capitalism in Historical Perspective
EC465 Economic Growth, Development, and Capitalism in Historical Perspective 2024/25
EC475 - Quantitative Economics
EC475 - Quantitative Economics 2024/25
EC476 - Contracts and Organisations
EC476 - Contracts and Organisations 2024/25
EC484 - Econometric Analysis
EC484 - Econometric Analysis 2024/25
EC485 - Further Topics in Econometrics 2024/25
EC486 - Econometric Methods 2024/25
EC487 - Advanced Microeconomics
EC487 - Advanced Microeconomics 2024/25
EC532 - International Economics for Research Students
EC533 - Labour Economics for Research Students
EC534 - Public Economics for Research Students
EC535 - Development Economics for Research Students
EC536 - Economics of Industry for Research Students
EC537 - Microeconomic Theory for Research Students
EC539 - Macroeconomics for Research Students
EC540 - Political Economy
EC555 - Macroeconomics for Research Students I (0.5) 2024/25
EC556 - Macroeconomics for Research Students II (0.5) 2024/25
Economic History Undergraduates Moodle page
Economic History Undergraduates Moodle page 2024/25
Economics BSc Portal
Economics BSc Portal 2024/25
Economics MSc Portal 2024/25
Eden Fellows Professional Recognition Scheme
Effective Feedback Methods
EGMiM Faculty Page
EH101 - The Internationalisation of Economic Growth, 1870 to the present day
EH101 - The Internationalisation of Economic Growth, 1870 to the present day 2024/25
EH111 The Internationalisation of Economic Growth
EH111 The Internationalisation of Economic Growth 2024/25
EH209 - The Family Economy in History: 1260 to the present day
EH211 - Africa and the World Economy 1500-2000 2024/25
EH221 - Boom and Bust: Macroeconomic History of the Modern World 2024/25
EH304 - The Economic History of North America: from Colonial Times to the Cold War
EH304 - The Economic History of North America: from Colonial Times to the Cold War 2024/25
EH314 - Political economy and economic policies: Europe from the High Middle Ages to the French Revolution
EH314 - Political economy and economic policies: Europe from the High Middle Ages to the French Revolution 2024/25
EH401 - Historical Analysis of Economic Change
EH401 - Historical Analysis of Economic Change 2024/25
EH402 - Research Design and Quantitative Methods in Economic History
EH402 - Research Design and Quantitative Methods in Economic History 2024/25
EH404 - India and the World Economy 2024/25
EH413 - African Economic Development in Historical Perspective
EH413 - African Economic Development in Historical Perspective 2024/25
EH421 – Economic History of Colonialism 2024/25
EH441 - Macroeconomic History
EH443 - The History of Premodern Money
EH443 - The History of Premodern Money 2024/25
EH446 - Economic Development in East and Southeast Asia
EH463 - The Long-Run Analysis of Firms and Industries
EH463 - The Long-Run Analysis of Firms and Industries 2024/25
EH520 - Approaches to Economic and Social History 2024/25
EMPA 2019
EMPA 2020
EMPA 2021
EMPA 2022
EMPA/EMPP Teaching Resources
EMPP 2019
EMPP 2020
EMPP 2021
EMPP 2022
English for Academic Purposes - PhD Academy
English for Academic Purposes at LSE
English for Teaching Purposes Assessment 2024/25
EU409 - Basic Economic Concepts for European Political Economy 2024/25
EU410 - Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Design 2024/25
EU421 - Policy-Making in the European Union
EU421 - Policy-Making in the European Union 2024/25
EU432 - Philosophy of Europe
EU437 - Europe Beyond Modernity
EU437 - Europe Beyond Modernity 2024/25
EU443 - European Models of Capitalism 2024/25
EU447 - Democracy, Ideology and the European State
EU447 - Democracy, Ideology and the European State 2024/25
EU450 - Engaging with Europe: Professional Skills 2024/25
EU455 - Concepts in Political Economy
EU455 - Concepts in Political Economy 2024/25
EU464 - International Migration: EU Policies and Politics 2024/25
EU467 - The political economy of the neoliberal state
EU468 - The Political Economy of Migration in Europe
EU469 - The Political Economy of Finance in Europe 2024/25
EU470 - How do we know? An introduction to research design and methods in political economy
EU475 - Europe and the Politics of Secularism 2024/25
EU476 - Emotions and Memory in European Politics 2024/25
EU481 - The Future: Political Responses to a Challenge 2024/25
EU482 - Europe in World Trade
EU482 - Europe in World Trade
EU484 - Europe's Role in Global Migration Governance 2024/25
EU485 - Post-Conflict Justice and Reconciliation in Europe and Beyond
EU486: Muslims in Europe 2024/25
EU489 - Analytical Politics and Policymaking in Europe
EU489 - Analytical Politics and Policymaking in Europe 2024/25
EU491 Political Economy in Theory and History
EU491 Political Economy in Theory and History
EU494 International Migration and Immigration Management 2024/25
EU4A2 - Globalisation, Conflict and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
EU4A5 - People and Politics in Europe 2024/25
EU4A6 Reconciliation and Crisis: Politics in Southern Europe 2023/24
EU4A7 - Political Economy of the Green Transition in Europe 2024/25
EU4A8 Migration From Below: Theories and Lived Experiences of Borders 2024/25
EU4B1 - Political Elites, Leadership, and Decision-Making 2024/25
EU4C9 - Policy Incubator (The Global Political Economy of China and Europe) 2024/25
EU4V9 - Concepts in Political Science and Public Policy 2024/25
EU550 - Research Workshop in European Studies
European Institute MSc Programmes Information
Excel for Quantitative Methods ST107 In-sessional Course
Excel for Quantitative Methods ST107 In-sessional Course
Excel for Quantitative Methods ST107 In-sessional Course
Executive MSc International Strategy & Diplomacy: Programme Homepage 2024/25
Explore the hidden capabilities of Moodle Forum
Fascism, Authoritarianism, Populism
Feedback Fruits Sandbox Course
FinTech and Digital Finance - Fast Track to Practice
FM200 - Financial Systems and Crises 2024/25
FM201 - Macro-Finance
FM201 - Macro-Finance 2024/25
FM302 - Theories of Corporate Finance
FM302 - Theories of Corporate Finance 2024/25
FM304 - Applied Corporate Finance
FM304 - Applied Corporate Finance 2024/25
FM305 - Advanced Financial Economics
FM305 - Advanced Financial Economics 2024/25
FM321 - Risk Management and Modelling
FM321 - Risk Management and Modelling 2024/25
FM402 - Financial Risk Analysis
FM402 - Financial Risk Analysis 2024/25
FM403 - Management and Regulation of Risk
FM403 - Management and Regulation of Risk 2024/25
FM405 - Fixed Income Securities and Credit Markets
FM405 - Fixed Income Securities and Credit Markets 2024/25
FM405E - Fixed Income Securities and Credit Markets 2024/25
FM406 - Topics in Portfolio Management (Daytime)
FM406 - Topics in Portfolio Management (Daytime) 2024/25
FM406E - Topics in Portfolio Management 2024/25
FM407 - Mergers, Buyouts and Corporate Restructuring
FM407 - Mergers, Buyouts and Corporate Restructuring 2024/25
FM407E - Mergers, Buyouts and Corporate Restructuring 2024/25
FM408 - Financial Engineering 2024/25
FM409 - Risk Management in Financial Markets 2024/25
FM409E - Risk Management in Financial Markets
FM410 - Private Equity
FM410 - Private Equity 2024/25
FM410E – Private Equity 2024/25
FM412 Quantitative Security Analysis
FM412 Quantitative Security Analysis 2024/25
FM414 - Corporate Investment and Financial Policy
FM414 - Corporate Investment and Financial Policy 2024/25
FM417E – Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Finance
FM422 - Corporate Finance (Daytime)
FM422 - Corporate Finance (Daytime) 2024/25
FM422E - Corporate Finance
FM422E - Corporate Finance 2024/25
FM423 - Asset Markets
FM423 - Asset Markets 2024/25
FM423E - Asset Markets
FM423E - Asset Markets 2024/25
FM431A - Corporate Finance A
FM431A - Corporate Finance A 2024/25
FM436 - Financial Economics
FM436 - Financial Economics 2024/25
FM437 - Financial Econometrics
FM437 - Financial Econometrics 2024/25
FM441 - Derivatives
FM441 - Derivatives 2024/25
FM445 - Portfolio Management
FM445 - Portfolio Management 2024/25
FM447 - Global Financial Systems
FM447 - Global Financial Systems 2024/25
FM471 - Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing
FM471 - Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing 2024/25
FM471E - Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing 2024/25
FM472 - International Finance
FM472 - International Finance 2024/25
FM473A - Financial Markets (Autumn)
FM473A - Financial Markets (Autumn) 2024/25
FM473W - Financial Markets (Lent)
FM473W - Financial Markets (Winter) 2024/25
FM474A Managerial Finance (Autumn)
FM474A Managerial Finance (Autumn) 2024/25 Stream 1 & Stream 3
FM474W - Managerial Finance (Lent)
FM474W - Managerial Finance (Winter) 2024/25
FM476 Entrepreneurial Finance
FM476 Entrepreneurial Finance 2024/25
FM477 - International Finance A
FM477 - International Finance A 2024/25
G&E Feminist Reading Group
Gender PhD & GI500
Gender PhD & GI500 2024/25
Generative AI: Developing your AI Literacy
Geography and Environment – PhD Students
Geography and Environment – PhD Students 2024/25
Geography MSc Homepage
Geography MSc Homepage 2024/25
Getting Started With Gradescope
GI402 Gender, Knowledge and Research Practice
GI402 Gender, Knowledge and Research Practice 2024/25
GI403: Gender and Media Representation
GI403: Gender and Media Representation 2024/25
GI409 Conceptual Foundations in Gender, Development and Globalization 2024/25
GI409 Gender, Globalisation and Development: An Introduction
GI413 - Gender, Race and Militarisation
GI413 - Gender, Race and Militarisation 2024/25
GI415 - Gender and Welfare Regimes: Developments and Change
GI415 - Gender and Welfare Regimes: Developments and Change 2024/25
GI418 - Feminist Economics and Policy: An Introduction
GI418 - Feminist Economics and Policy: An Introduction 2024/25
GI421 Sexuality, Gender and Culture
GI421 Sexuality, Gender and Culture 2024/25
GI422 - Transnational Sexual Politics
GI422 - Transnational Sexual Politics 2024/25
GI424 - Gender Theories: An Interdisciplinary Approach
GI424 - Gender Theories: An Interdisciplinary Approach 2024/25
GI425 Introduction to Gender, Peace & Security
GI425 Introduction to Gender, Peace & Security 2024/25
GI426 - Gender and Human Rights
GI426 - Gender and Human Rights 2024/25
GI427 Thematic Topics in Global Gender (In)Security
GI428 - Bodies, Culture and Politics 2024/25
GI429 - Archival Interventions: Feminist, Queer and Decolonial Approaches
GI429 - Archival Interventions: Feminist, Queer and Decolonial Approaches 2024/25
GI431 Abolition and Anticarceral Feminisms 2024/25
GI499: Independent Research Project
GI499: Independent Research Project 2024/25
Global Master's in Management (GMiM)
Global Mobilities: International Migration
GV245 Democracy and Democratisation
GV245 Democracy and Democratisation 2024/25
GV249 Research Design in Political Science
GV249 Research Design in Political Science 2024/25
GV267 - Global Political Thought
GV302 Key Themes in the History of Political Thought
GV314 Empirical Research in Government
GV314 Empirical Research in Government 2024/25
GV315 Voting and Elections in Developing Democracies
GV318 Building Democracies from Conflict
GV318 Building Democracies from Conflict 2024/25
GV320 Populism
GV320 Populism 2024/25
GV325 Topics in Political Economy
GV325 Topics in Political Economy 2024/25
GV326 Conflict, War and Revolution - Approaches to Political Theory
GV326 Conflict, War and Revolution - Approaches to Political Theory 2024/25
GV329 Making Democracy Work
GV329 Making Democracy Work 2024/25
GV332 - Big Data in Politics: A Few Provocative Debates
GV332 - Big Data in Politics: A Few Provocative Debates 2024/25
GV336 - Latin America: Democracy and Development
GV336 - Latin America: Democracy and Development 2024/25
GV337 - Politics, Crime, Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective
GV337 - Politics, Crime, Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective 2024/25
GV338 - Politics and Political Economy of India
GV3L1 Analytical Approaches to British Politics
GV3L2 - The Politics and Policy of Climate Change and Sustainability
GV3L2 - The Politics and Policy of Climate Change and Sustainability 2024/25
GV408 - Contemporary Disputes About Justice 2024/25
GV439 - Government and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe
GV439 - Government and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe 2024/25
GV454 - Parties, Elections and Governments
GV454 - Parties, Elections and Governments 2024/25
GV477 - Comparative Public Policy Change
GV477 - Comparative Public Policy Change 2024/25
GV482 - Political Science and Political Economy: Current Issues
GV482 - Political Science and Political Economy: Current Issues 2024/25
GV483 - Public Management Theory and Doctrine
GV483 - Public Management Theory and Doctrine 2024/25
GV488 - Law and Politics of Regulation
GV488 - Law and Politics of Regulation 2024/25
GV498 - Multiculturalism
GV498 - Multiculturalism 2024/25
GV4A2 - Citizens Political Behaviour in Europe: Elections Public Opinion and Identities 2024/25
GV4B6 - Kant's Political Philosophy 2024/25
GV4B7 - The Idea of Freedom 2024/25
GV4B8 - Civil Wars: Concepts and Cases
GV4B9 - The Second Europe
GV4B9 - The Second Europe 2024/25
GV4C8 - Game Theory for Political Science
GV4C8 - Game Theory for Political Science 2024/25
GV4D3 - Local Power in an Era of Globalization, Democratization and Decentralization
GV4D3 - Local Power in an Era of Globalization, Democratization and Decentralization 2024/25
GV4D7 - Dilemmas of Equality 2024/25
GV4E1 - Comparative Democratisation in a Global Age
GV4E2 - Capitalism and Democracy
GV4E2 - Capitalism and Democracy 2024/25
GV4E3 - Statebuilding and Self-Determination in Eastern Europe and Eurasia
GV4E8 - Power-Sharing and Institutional Design in Divided Societies
GV4E8 - Power-Sharing and Institutional Design in Divided Societies 2024/25
GV4E9 - Approaches and Issues in Public Policy and Administration
GV4E9 - Approaches and Issues in Public Policy and Administration 2024/25
GV4F2 - Popular Politics in the Middle East 2024/25
GV4F4 - Policy Advice in Theory and Practice
GV4F4 - Policy Advice in Theory and Practice 2024/25
GV4F5 - Advanced Study of Key Political Thinkers 2024/25
GV4F9 - The Challenges of Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa 2024/25
GV4F9 - The Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa
GV4G1 - Applied Quantitative Methods for Political Science
GV4G4 - Comparative Conflict Analysis
GV4G7 - Marx and Marxism
GV4G7 - Marx and Marxism 2024/25
GV4H3 - Feminist Political Theory
GV4H3 - Feminist Political Theory 2024/25
GV4H4 - Foundations of Political Theory
GV4H4 - Foundations of Political Theory 2024/25
GV4H5 - The Political Philosophy of Environmental Change
GV4H5 - The Political Philosophy of Environmental Change 2024/25
GV4H6 - Behavioural Political Economy 2024/25
GV4J4 - Citizen Representation and Democracy in the European Union 2024/25
GV4J8 - Middle East Politics in Transnational Perspective
GV4J8 - Middle East Politics in Transnational Perspective 2024/25
GV4J9 - Populism
GV4J9 - Populism 2024/25
GV4K1 - Participatory Governance 2024/25
GV4K8 - Global Public Policy
GV4K8 - Global Public Policy 2024/25
GV4L2 - The Politics and Policy of Climate Change and Sustainability
GV4L2 - The Politics and Policy of Climate Change and Sustainability 2024/25
GV4L4 - Critical Theory and Political Action 2024/25
GV4L5 - Politics, Gender, and Development
GV4L5 - Politics, Gender, and Development 2024/25
GV4L8/GV4L9 - Introductory Mathematics & R for Political Science
GV4L8/GV4L9 - Introductory Mathematics & R for Political Science 2024/25
GV4M6 - Modern African Political Philosophy
GV4N1 - Qualitative Analysis for Political Science 2024/25
GV4N2 Introduction to Comparative Politics and Conflict Studies
GV4N2 Introduction to Comparative Politics and Conflict Studies 2024/25
GV4N4 - Comparative Political Behaviour 2024/25
GV517 - Comparative Political Economy: New Approaches and Issues in CPE
GY - Dissertation Support and Resources
GY - Dissertation Support and Resources 2024/25
GY100 - Introduction to Geography
GY100 - Introduction to Geography 2024/25
GY101 - Succeeding in your degree: Critical skills for Geography and Environment students
GY101 - Succeeding in your degree: Critical skills for Geography and Environment students 2024/25
GY103 - Contemporary Europe 2024/25
GY120 - Environmental Change: Past, Present and Future
GY120 - Environmental Change: Past, Present and Future 2024/25
GY121 - Sustainable Development
GY121 - Sustainable Development 2024/25
GY140 Introduction to Geographical Research
GY140 Introduction to Geographical Research 2024/25
GY144 – human geography and the city
GY144 – human geography and the city 2024/25
GY206 - Urban Geography and Globalisation
GY206 - Urban Geography and Globalisation 2024/25
GY207 - economy, society & place
GY207 - economy, society & place 2024/25
GY209 - The Economic Geography of Trade, Production & Development
GY209 - The Economic Geography of Trade, Production & Development 2024/25
GY210 - The Economics of Cities
GY210 - The Economics of Cities 2024/25
GY220 - Environment: Science and Society
GY220 - Environment: Science and Society 2024/25
GY222 - Applied Environmental Economics
GY222 - Applied Environmental Economics 2024/25
GY245 - Quantitative Methods in Geography and GIS
GY245 - Quantitative Methods in Geography and GIS 2024/25
GY246 - Field Methods in Geography
GY246 - Field Methods in Geography 2024/25
GY247 - Field Methods in Geography & Economics
GY247 - Field Methods in Geography & Economics 2024/25
GY248 - Field Methods in Geography & Environment
GY248 - Field Methods in Geography & Environment 2024/25
GY307 - Regional Economic Development
GY307 - Regional Economic Development 2024/25
GY308 - The Economic Geography of Growth and Development
GY309 - The Political Geography of Development
GY310 - Urban Politics
GY310 - Urban Politics 2024/25
GY311 - The Political Economy of Urbanisation
GY311 - The Political Economy of Urbanisation 2024/25
GY313 - Firms and Economic Geography: Location, Technology and Innovation
GY313 - Firms and Economic Geography: Location, Technology and Innovation 2024/25
GY314 - The Economics of Housing Markets and Migration 2024/25
GY315 Geographies of Race
GY315 Geographies of Race 2024/25
GY316 - Gender, Space and Power
GY316 - Gender, Space and Power 2024/25
GY317 - Geographies of Urban Violence
GY317 - Geographies of Urban Violence 2024/25
GY326 - Sustainable Business and Finance
GY326 - Sustainable Business and Finance 2024/25
GY327 - Global Environmental Governance
GY327 - Global Environmental Governance 2024/25
GY350 - Dissertation
GY350 - Dissertation 2024/25
GY400 - The Economics of Urbanization 2024/25
GY403 - Contemporary Debates in Human Geography 2024/25
GY404 - Inclusive Growth
GY404 - Inclusive Growth 2024/25
GY409 - Globalization and Regional Development 2024/25
GY410 - Economics of Local and Regional Development 2024/25
GY413 - Regional Development and Policy
GY413 - Regional Development and Policy 2024/25
GY414 - Gender, Space and Society
GY415 - Local Capacity and Economic Development Policy
GY415 - Local Capacity and Economic Development Policy 2024/25
GY420 - Environmental Regulation: Implementing Policy
GY421 - Gender and Development: Geographical Perspectives
GY422 - Gender, Work and Urbanisation
GY423 - Environment and Development
GY426 - Environmental and Resource Economics
GY426 - Environmental and Resource Economics 2024/25
GY427 - Climate Change: Science, Economics and Policy
GY427 - Climate Change: Science, Economics and Policy 2024/25
GY428 - Applied Quantitative Methods 2024/25
GY430 - Cities, Space and Society
GY431 - Cities, People and Poverty in the South
GY432 - Urban Ethnography
GY432 - Urban Ethnography 2024/25
GY441 - The Politics of Housing
GY441 - The Politics of Housing 2024/25
GY444 - Environmental Assessment
GY446 - LSE/Ardhi Interface
GY446 - Planning for Sustainable Cities
GY446 - Planning for Sustainable Cities 2024/25
GY447 - The Economics of Regional and Urban Planning
GY447 - The Economics of Regional and Urban Planning 2024/25
GY448 - social and political aspects of urban planning
GY448 - social and political aspects of urban planning 2024/25
GY449 Urban Futures
GY449 Urban Futures 2024/25
GY450 - Planning Practice and Research
GY450 - Planning Practice and Research 2024/25
GY452 Urban Research Methods
GY452 Urban Research Methods 2024/25
GY454 - Urban Policy and Planning
GY454 - Urban Policy and Planning 2024/25
GY455 - Economic Appraisal and Valuation 2024/25
GY457 - Applied Urban and Real Estate Economics
GY457 - Applied Urban and Real Estate Economics 2024/25
GY458 - Real Property Market Practice
GY458 - Real Property Market Practice 2024/25
GY459 - Urban Theory and Policy in the Global South
GY459 - Urban Theory and Policy in the Global South 2024/25
GY460 - Techniques of Spatial Economic Analysis
GY460 - Techniques of Spatial Economic Analysis 2024/25
GY462 - Real Estate Finance
GY462 - Real Estate Finance 2024/25
GY464 - Race and Space
GY465 - Concepts in Environmental Regulation
GY465 - Concepts in Environmental Regulation 2024/25
GY467 - Global Migration and Development
GY468 - Environment and Development: Sustainability, Technology and Business
GY470 Urban Africa
GY471 - Urban Environments and More-Than-Human Cities
GY472 - Real Estate Investment
GY472 - Real Estate Investment 2024/25
GY473 - Economic Development and the Environment
GY473 - Economic Development and the Environment 2024/25
GY475 - Issues in Environmental Governance
GY475 - Issues in Environmental Governance 2024/25
GY476 - Applied Geographical Information Systems
GY476 - Applied Geographical Information Systems 2024/25
GY477 Race and Capitalism in North America
GY479 - Urban Transformations
GY479 - Urban Transformations 2024/25
GY480 - Remaking China: Geographical aspects of Development and Disparity
GY480 - Remaking China: Geographical aspects of Development and Disparity 2024/25
GY485 - Dissertation - MSc Real Estate Economics and Finance/ MSc Geographic Data Science
GY485 - Dissertation - MSc Real Estate Economics and Finance/ MSc Geographic Data Science 2024/25
GY486 - Dissertation & Methods - MSc Local Economic Development
GY486 - Dissertation & Methods - MSc Local Economic Development 2024/25
GY487 - Dissertation - MSc in Human Geography and Urban Studies (Research) 2024/25
GY488 - Dissertation - MSc Urbanisation and Development
GY488 - Dissertation - MSc Urbanisation and Development 2024/25
GY489 - Dissertation - Environment Programmes – MSc Environmental Economics and Climate Change, MSc Environmental Policy and Regulation and MSc Environment and Development
GY489 - Dissertation - Environment Programmes – MSc Environmental Economics and Climate Change, MSc Environmental Policy and Regulation and MSc Environment and Development 2024/25
GY500 - Research Project Seminar
GY502 - Staff and Postgraduate Seminar
GY503 Writing the World
GY503 Writing the World 2024/25
GY504 - PhD Seminar in Regional and Urban Planning
GY520 - Environmental Regulation: Implementing Policy
GY999 - Geography Teacher resources 2024/25
HP400 - Financing Health Care
HP400 - Financing Health Care 2024/25
HP404 Global Health Policy: Institutions, Actors and Politics 2024/25
HP420 - Health Economics
HP420 - Health Economics 2024/25
HP421 Economic Analysis for Health Policy in Low and Middle Income Countries
HP421 Economic Analysis for Health Policy in Low and Middle Income Countries 2024/25
HP422 - Health Care Economic Evaluation
HP422 - Health Care Economic Evaluation 2024/25
HP423 - Advanced Health Economics
HP423 - Advanced Health Economics 2024/25
HP424 - Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy
HP424 - Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy 2024/25
HP425 - Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation
HP425 - Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation 2024/25
HP426 - Applied Health Econometrics
HP426 - Applied Health Econometrics 2024/25
HP428 - Randomised evaluations of health programmes: from design to implementation 2024/25
HP429-Behavioural Incentive Design in Health and Health Care
HP432 Mental Health Policy 2024/25
HP433 - Health Care Regulation
HP433 - Health Care Regulation 2024/25
HP435 - Global Access to Medicines
HP435 - Global Access to Medicines 2024/25
HP437 - Health equity, climate change and the common good 2024/25
HP4A1E Financing Health Care 2024/25
HP4A2E Health Administration and Management 2024/25
HP4A4E - Health Economics 2022-23
HP4A4E – Health Economics – 2024/25
HP4A4E – Health Economics – December 2023
HP4B1E - Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy 2022-23
HP4B1E Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy 2023-24
HP4B1E Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy 2024/25
HP4B4E - Principles of Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Trials 2022-23
HP4B5E Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation - June 2022
HP4B5E Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation - June 2023
HP4B7E Advanced Health Economics 2024/25
HP4C1E Economic Analysis for Health Policy 2023-24
HP4C1E Economic Analysis for Health Policy 2024/25
HP4C2E - Quality and Outcomes in Cardiovascular Sciences 2022-23
HP4C2E Quality and Outcomes in Clinical Sciences - December 2023
HP4C2E Quality and Outcomes in Clinical Sciences 2024/25
HP4C3E Economic Evaluation in Health Care 2024/25
HP4C4E Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - June 2022
HP4C4E Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - June 2023
HP4C4E Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 2023-24
HP4C4E Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 2024/25
HP4C5E - Using Health Economics to Analyse and Inform Policy and Practice 2022-23
HP4C5E - Using Health Economics to Analyse and Inform Policy and Practice 2024/25
HP4D2E Principles of Health Technology Assessment - June 2022
HP4D5E Methods for Evaluating Health Programmes and Policies 2024/25
HP4E5E - Economics of the Pharmaceutical Sector 2020-21
HP4E5E - Economics of the Pharmaceutical Sector 2024/25
HP4F1E - Introduction to Evaluation in Healthcare
HP4F1E Impact Evaluation in Healthcare – November 2023
HP4F1E Impact Evaluation in Healthcare 2024/25
HP4F1E Introduction to Evaluation in Healthcare 2022-23
HP4F3E Randomised Evaluation of Health Programmes and Policies - June 2022
HP4F3E Randomised Evaluation of Health Programmes and Policies 2022-23
HP4F4E Dissertation in Evaluation of Healthcare Interventions and Outcomes - June 2022
HP4F4E Dissertation in Evaluation of Healthcare Interventions and Outcomes 2022-23
HP4F4E Dissertation in Evaluation of Healthcare Interventions and Outcomes 2024/25
HP4F5E Health Care Regulation 2024/25
HP4F6E - Critical Appraisals of Clinical Trials and Real-World Evidence in Decision Making 2024/25
HP4G2E - Principles of Health Technology Assessment - December 2022
HP4G2E - Principles of Health Technology Assessment - June 2023
HP4G2E – Principles of Health Technology Assessment – November 2023
HP4G2E – Principles of Health Technology Assessment 2024/25
HP4G4E - Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
HP4G4E Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 2022-23
HY116 - International Politics since 1914: Peace and War
HY116 - International Politics since 1914: Peace and War 2024/25
HY118 - Faith, Power, and Revolution: Europe and the Wider World, c.1500 – c.1800 2024/25
HY120 - Historical Approaches to the Modern World 2024/25
HY200: The Rights of Man: the History of Human Rights Discourse from the Antigone to Amnesty International
HY200: The Rights of Man: the History of Human Rights Discourse from the Antigone to Amnesty International 2024/25
HY206 - The International History of the Cold War
HY206 - The International History of the Cold War 2024/25
HY221 - The History of Russia, 1676-1825 2024/25
HY226 - The Great War 1914-1918
HY226 - The Greater War, c. 1912-23 2024/25
HY235 - Modernity and the State in East Asia: China, Japan and Korea since 1840
HY235 - Modernity and the State in East Asia: China, Japan and Korea since 1840 2024/25
HY239 - People, Power and Protest in Latin America, c.1895 to the Present day 2024/25
HY240 - From Empire to Commonwealth: War, Race and Imperialism in British History, 1780 to 1979
HY240 - From Empire to Commonwealth: War, Race and Imperialism in British History, 1780 to 1979 2024/25
HY241 - What is History?: Methods and Debates
HY241 - What is History?: Methods and Debates 2024/25
HY242 - The Soviet Union: Domestic, International and Intellectual History
HY242 - The Soviet Union: Domestic, International and Intellectual History 2024/25
HY243 - Islamic Empires, 1400 - 1800 2024/25
HY246 - The Global Caribbean: Colonialism, Race and Revolutions 1780s to 1980s
HY247 - The History of Modern Turkey, 1789 to the Present
HY249 - War, Social Conflict and Nation Building: The History of Eastern and Southeastern Europe in the Twentieth Century 2024/25
HY311: Limited War during the Cold War Era: The US in Korea (1950-53) and Vietnam (1954-75)
HY311: Limited War during the Cold War Era: The US in Korea (1950-53) and Vietnam (1954-75) 2024/25
HY315 - The European Enlightenment c.1680-1799
HY315 - The European Enlightenment c.1680-1799 2024/25
HY319 - Napoleon and Europe 2024/25
HY320 - The Cold War Endgame
HY320 - The Cold War Endgame 2024/25
HY322 - Nazi Germany’s War: Violence and Occupation in Europe, 1939-1945
HY322 - Nazi Germany’s War: Violence and Occupation in Europe, 1939-1945 2024/25
HY323 - Travel, Pleasure and Politics: The European Grand Tour, 1670-1825 2024/25
HY327: The Anglo-American Special Relationship, 1939-89
HY328 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Nationalism, Territory, Religion
HY328 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Nationalism, Territory, Religion 2024/25
HY329 - Independent India: Myths of Freedom and Development
HY329 Independent India: Myths of Freedom and Development 2024/25
HY330 - From Tea to Opium: China and the Global Market in the Long Eighteenth Century 2024/25
HY331 - Henry Kissinger and the Global 1970s
HY331 - Henry Kissinger and the Global 1970s 2024/25
HY332 - Interwar worlds: the cultural consequences of the First World War
HY333 - People and Power in West African History, c. 1450 - 1850
HY333 - People and Power in West African History, c. 1450 - 1850 2024/25
HY335 - History of Foreign Relations of the People’s Republic of China, 1949-2008
HY335 - History of Foreign Relations of the People’s Republic of China, 1949-2008 2024/25
HY344: Muslim-Jewish Relations: History and Memory in the Middle East and Europe 2024/25
HY400 - Crisis Decision-Making in War and Peace, 1914-2003
HY400 - Crisis Decision-Making in War and Peace, 1914-2003 2024/25
HY422 - Presidents, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, from Roosevelt to Reagan, 1933-89
HY422 - Presidents, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, from Roosevelt to Reagan, 1933-89 2024/25
HY424 - The Napoleonic Empire: the Making of Modern Europe 2024/25
HY429 - Anglo-American Relations from World War to Cold War and Beyond, 1939-2003 2024/25
HY429 - Anglo-American Relations from World War to Cold War, 1939-91
HY432 - From Cold Warriors to Peacemakers: The End of the Cold War Era, 1979-1999 2024/25
HY436 - Race, Violence and Colonial Rule in Africa
HY436 - Race, Violence and Colonial Rule in Africa 2024/25
HY440 - The Iranian Revolution
HY440 - The Iranian Revolution 2024/25
HY444 - Latin America in the Cold War 2024/25
HY446 - Geo-Interventions: Transforming Nature, Space, and Territory in the Anthropocene 2024/25
HY461 - East Asia in the Age of Imperialism, 1839-1945
HY461 - East Asia in the Age of Imperialism, 1839-1945 2024/25
HY463 - The Roots, Origins and Dynamics of the Cold War, 1917-1962
HY463 - The Roots, Origins and Dynamics of the Cold War, 1917-1962 2024/25
HY465 - The International History of the Balkans since 1939: State Projects, Wars, and Social Conflict
HY465 - The International History of the Balkans since 1939: State Projects, Wars, and Social Conflict 2024/25
HY469 - Maps, History & Power: The Spaces and Cultures of the Past 2024/25
HY471 - European Empires and Global Conflict, 1935-1948 2024/25
HY478 - Genesis of the Modern World: Europe, China & India, 1550 - 1840 2024/25
HY483 - Land and Conflict in Latin America since 1750
HY486 - The Anti-Slave-Trade Atlantic World, c. 1807-1870
HY486 - The Anti-Slave-Trade Atlantic World, c. 1807-1870 2024/25
HY487: LT Islam, State and Conflict in Southeast Asia
HY487: LT Islam, State and Conflict in Southeast Asia RESITS
HY488 - European Empires and Global Conflict, 1935-1948
HY489 AT - China and the External World, 1644-1839 2024/25
HY4A8 - Asian Borderlands
HY4A9M - China and the United States Since 1949
HY4B1: The Vietnam Wars, 1930-75: Regional and International Perspectives
HY4B1: The Vietnam Wars, 1930-75: Regional and International Perspectives 2024/25
HY4B3: Citizenship in 20th century political thought: intellectual history in case studies
HY4B3: Citizenship in 20th century political thought: intellectual history in case studies 2024/25
HY4B4: WT Maritime Asia in Transition, 1405-1839 2024/25
HY4B5: LT Queer early modernities
HY4B6: MT German Transformations Since 1990
HY4B7 - Asian Borderlands 2024/25
HY4B8: On German Memory Politics: From the Cold War to New Global Challenges
HY4B9: China and the United States Since 1949
HY4B9: China and the United States Since 1949 2024/25
HY4C1 - Fighting and Enduring the Great War 2024/25
HY501 - International History Research Student Workshop
HY509 - The International History Research Seminar
HY510 - Cold War History Research Seminar
IDEASIR1 – Great Thinkers and Pivotal Leaders: Ethics, Interests and the Shaping of Global Order
IDEASIR1 – Great Thinkers and Pivotal Leaders: Ethics, Interests and the Shaping of Global Order 2024/25
IDEASIR4 – Global Security in a Changing International System
IDEASIR4 – Global Security in a Changing International System 2024/25
IDEASIR5 - Chinese Foreign Policy: Global Perspectives
IDEASIR5 - Chinese Foreign Policy: Global Perspectives 2024/25
International History Graduate Teaching Assistants / Guest Teachers
International History Moodle Training
International Relations IRDAP Submissions (UG)
International Relations RDAP Submissions (PGT)
International Relations RDAP Submissions (PGT) 2024/25
Internationalism and Solidarity
Introduction to Economics Research
Introduction to Economics Research 2024/25
Introduction to Git and GitHub
Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics for Public Policy (MPP)
Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics for Public Policy (MPP) 2024/25
Introduction to NVivo
Introduction to Quantitative Methods for the MPA programmes
Introduction to Quantitative Methods for the MPA programmes 2024/25
IR BSc Student Handbook
IR BSc Student Handbook 2024/25
IR MSc Student Handbook 2024/25
IR100 International Relations: Theories, Concepts and Debates
IR100 International Relations: Theories, Concepts and Debates 2024/25
IR102 Thinking Globally: Studying International Relations
IR102 Thinking Globally: Studying International Relations 2024/25
IR200 International Political Theory
IR200 International Political Theory 2024/25
IR202 Foreign Policy Analysis
IR202 Foreign Policy Analysis 2024/25
IR203 International Organisations
IR203 International Organisations 2024/25
IR205 International Security
IR205 International Security 2024/25
IR206 International Political Economy
IR206 International Political Economy 2024/25
IR305 - Strategic Aspects of International Relations 2024/25
IR312 Genocide 2024/25
IR314 Southeast Asia: Intra-regional Politics and Security 2024/25
IR315 – International Relations of the Middle East 2024/25
IR317 - American Grand Strategy 2024/25
IR318 Visual International Politics
IR319 Empire and Conflict in World Politics 2024/25
IR323 Race and Gender in International Relations 2024/25
IR349 - Conflict and Peacebuilding
IR354 Governing International Political Economy: Lessons from the Past for the Future 2024/25
IR355 Economic Diplomacy
IR367 Political Economy of Climate Change 2024/25
IR368 The Political Economy of International Trade 2024/25
IR373 China and the Global South 2024/25
IR374 Conflict and Peacebuilding 2024/25
IR377 The Politics of Peace & Security in Sub-Saharan Africa 2024/25
IR378 Critical War Studies 2024/25
IR380 - The Politics of Inequality and Development 2024/25
IR391 Globalisation and the State in Developing Countries 2024/25
IR392 The Political Economy of China’s Technological Rise 2024/25
IR395 The Politics of Displacement and Refuge 2024/25
IR398 - Dissertation 2024/25
IR411 - Foreign Policy Analysis
IR411 - Foreign Policy Analysis 2024/25
IR412 - International Institutions 2023/24
IR412 - International Institutions 2024/25
IR419 - International Relations of the Middle East 2024/25
IR422 - Conflict and Peacebuilding
IR422 - Conflict and Peacebuilding 2024/25
IR429 - Economic Diplomacy
IR434 - European Defence and Security
IR434 - European Defence and Security 2024/25
IR442E - Diplomacy and its Challenges 2024/25
IR452 - Empire and Conflict in World Politics 2024/25
IR453 - Global Business in International Relations
IR453 - Global Business in International Relations 2024/25
IR454 Governing International Political Economy: Lessons from the Past for the Future
IR462 - Theory of International Society
IR462 - Theory of International Society 2024/25
IR466 - Genocide 2024/25
IR467 - Political Economy of Climate Change
IR467 - Political Economy of Climate Change 2024/25
IR468 - The Political Economy of Trade
IR468 - The Political Economy of Trade 2024/25
IR471 - Critical International Law 2024/25
IR473 - China and the Global South
IR473 - China and the Global South 2024/25
IR475 - Gender/ed/ing International Politics
IR475 - Race and Gender in International Relations 2024/25
IR476 - Gender, Sexuality, Race and the Politics of Violence 2024/25
IR477 - The Politics of Peace & Security in Sub-Saharan Africa 2024/25
IR478 - Critical War Studies 2024/25
IR479 - Eastern Europe: Domestic Regimes and Foreign Policies 2024/25
IR485 Dissertation - MSc IPE
IR485/IR499 Department of International Relations Postgraduate Dissertations 2024/25
IR488 - International Politics of Southeast Asia 2024/25
IR489 - Economic Diplomacy
IR490 - The Strategy of Conflict in International Relations 2024/25
IR491 Globalisation and the State in Developing Countries
IR491 Globalisation and the State in Developing Countries 2024/25
IR494 Conflict and Peacebuilding 2024/25
IR495 -The Politics of Displacement and Refuge
IR495 -The Politics of Displacement and Refuge 2024/25
IR499 Dissertation - MSc IR and MSc IR (Research)
IR4A1 - International Relations: Core Theories and debates
IR4A1 - International Relations: Core Theories and Debates 2024/25
IR4A2 - International Relations: Global Applications 2024/25
IR4A3 - International Relations: Critical Perspective
IR4A3 - International Relations: Critical Perspectives 2024/25
IR4B1 - Islam in World Politics 2024/25
IR501 - Methods in International Relations Research 2024/25
KR100 test course
L1 Interactive Books & other activities
Language Centre Teachers Portal
Legal Studies Skills (LL100) 2024/25
Library Companion for Data Resources
Library Staff Development
LL104 - Law of Obligations
LL106 - Public Law
LL106 - Public Law 2024/25
LL141 - Introduction to Legal Systems 2024_25
LL142 - Contract Law
LL142 - Contract Law 2024/25
LL143 - Tort Law
LL143 - Tort Law 2024/25
LL200 Foundational Practice Skills 2024/25
LL202 - Commercial Contracts
LL205 - Medical Law
LL205 - Medical Law 2024/25
LL208 - Race, Class, and Law
LL208 - Race, Class, and Law 2024/25
LL211 - Law, Poverty and Access to Justice
LL211 - Law, Poverty and Access to Justice 2024/25
LL213 - Commercial Law 2024/25
LL216 Freedom and the Law in Britain (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL217 European Human Rights Law 2024/25
LL221 - Family Law
LL221 - Family Law 2024/25
LL224 Regulation of Platforms (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL225 Critical Theory and Law (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL228 European Union Law (2024/25)
LL229 Law of the European Market (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL232 - Law and Institutions of the European Union
LL233 - Law of Evidence
LL241 - European Legal History
LL241 - European Legal History 2024/25
LL243 Constitutionalism Beyond Courts (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL245 Feminist Legal Theory (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL272 - Outlines of Modern Criminology
LL272 - Outlines of Modern Criminology 2024/25
LL275 - Property II
LL276 - Property / LL275 - Property II 2024/25
LL278 - Public International Law
LL278 - Public International Law 2024/25
LL279 Public International Law (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL280 Advanced Issues in Public International Law (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL293 - Tax and Tax Avoidance
LL293 - Tax and Tax Avoidance 2024/25
LL302 - Restitution for Unjust Enrichment 2024/25
LL303 - Cultural Heritage and Art Law
LL303 - Cultural Heritage and Art Law 2024/25
LL304 Global Commodities: The Rise of International Law (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL305 - Jurisprudence
LL306 Theories of Law (Half-unit course) 2024/25
LL332 Advanced EU Law (2024/25)
LL403E (2023) - International Human Rights: Concepts, Law, and Practice (E-LLM)
LL404E - European and UK Human Rights Law (E-LLM)
LL408E - Comparative Constitutional Law
LL408E - Comparative Constitutional Law 2024/25
LL410E Law and Practice of International Finance (2023)
LL411E International Financial Law and Practice II
LL413E - International Economic Law II (E-LLM)
LL416E - Advanced Issues of International Commercial Arbitration
LL417E - International Commercial Contracts
LL430E International Investment Law and Arbitration
LL432E - Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructurings in Europe (E-LLM)
LL432E - Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructurings in Europe (E-LLM) 2024/25
LL433E - State and Market in the EU (E-LLM)
LL434E Regulation: Strategies and Enforcement.
LL437E - International Criminal Law (E-LLM)
LL440E – Digital Rights, Privacy and Security
LL440E – Digital Rights, Privacy and Security 2024/25
LL442E - Corporate Restructuring
LL449E - Cyberlaw
LL449E - Cyberlaw 2024/25
LL451E – Anglo-American Contract Law
LL451E – Anglo-American Contract Law 2024/25
LL468 - European Human Rights Law 2024/25
LL469: UK Human Rights Law
LL469: UK Human Rights Law 2024/25
LL475 - Terrorism and the Rule of Law
LL475 - Terrorism and the Rule of Law 2024/25
LL4A6 - Climate Change & International Law 2024/25
LL4A9 - Law in War 2024/25
LL4AG - Competition Law, Technology and Intellectual Property
LL4AG - Competition Law, Technology and Intellectual Property 2024/25
LL4AH - Corporate Governance 2024/25
LL4AJ - Corporate Rescue and Reorganisation
LL4AL - International Business Transactions: Commercial Litigation
LL4AL - International Business Transactions: Commercial Litigation 2024/25
LL4AN - International Business Transactions: Conflict of Laws, Extraterritoriality, and Global Governance
LL4AN - International Business Transactions: Conflict of Laws, Extraterritoriality, and Global Governance 2024/25
LL4AS - International Criminal Law: Prosecution and Practice
LL4AS - International Criminal Law: Prosecution and Practice 2024/25
LL4AT - Regulation: Strategies and Enforcement 2024/25
LL4AV - Global Economic Governance 2024/25
LL4AV - International Economic Law & Development (IELD)
LL4AX - Selected Topics in International Human Rights Law
LL4AX - Selected Topics in International Human Rights Law 2024/25
LL4AY - International Tax Systems
LL4AY - International Tax Systems: A Global Perspective (2024/25)
LL4AZ - Taxation of Multinational Enterprises: Transfer Pricing
LL4B1 - International Trade Law
LL4B1 - International Trade Law 2024/25
LL4BA - International Law and the Movement of Persons within States
LL4BA - International Law and the Movement of Persons within States 2024/25
LL4BF - International Financial Regulation
LL4BF - International Financial Regulation 2024/25
LL4BG - Rethinking EU Law
LL4BH - Law and Government of the EU (2024/25)
LL4BP - Current Issues in Intellectual and Cultural Property Law
LL4BP - Current Issues in Intellectual and Cultural Property Law 2024/25
LL4BT - Cultural Property and Heritage Law
LL4BT - Cultural Property and Heritage Law 2024/25
LL4BU - Art Law
LL4BU - Art Law 2024/25
LL4BV - Transnational Environmental Law
LL4BV - Transnational Environmental Law 2024/25
LL4C2 - World Poverty & Human Rights
LL4C2 - World Poverty & Human Rights 2024/25
LL4C5 - International Commercial Arbitration
LL4C5 - International Commercial Arbitration 2024/25
LL4C6 - Advanced Issues in International Arbitration 2024/25
LL4CH Taxation of Transactions
LL4CL - Explaining Punishment: Philosophy, Political Economy, Sociology
LL4CL - Explaining Punishment: Philosophy, Political Economy, Sociology 2024/25
LL4COE (Executive LLM)
LL4CP - Tax Avoidance
LL4CP - Tax Avoidance 2024/25
LL4CQ - Legal Aspects of Private Equity and Venture Capital
LL4CQ - Legal Aspects of Private Equity and Venture Capital 2024/25
LL4E6 - International Dispute Resolution: Courts and Tribunals
LL4E6 - International Dispute Resolution: Courts and Tribunals 2024/25
LL4E7 - International Investment Law and Arbitration
LL4E7 - International Investment Law and Arbitration 2024/25
LL4EA - Race, Class, and Law
LL4EA - Race, Class, and Law 2024/25
LL4EB - Key Issues in Medical Law and Ethics
LL4EB - Key Issues in Medical Law and Ethics 2024/25
LL4F2 - The Law and Practice of International Finance
LL4F3 - Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructurings in Europe
LL4F3 - Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructurings in Europe 2024/25
LL4G8: Law of Corporate Finance 2024/25
LL4GA - Constitutionalisms in the Global South 2024/25
LL4GB - Law and Critical Theory 2024/25
LL4GC - Global Commodities: the Foundations of International Law 2024/25
LL4GD - International Energy Law 2024/25
LL4GE - Advanced Digital Content and Platform Regulation 2024/25
LL4GF - Law, Society and Development 2024/25
LL4GG - Sports: Law and Governance 2024/25
LL4GH - The European Market 2024/25
LL4GJ - Legal Aspects of Sustainable Finance 2024/25
LL4GK - Tackling Climate Change: Legal Strategies 2024/25
LL4H4 - International Financial Law
LL4H4 - International Financial Law 2024/25
LL4H9 - Human Rights in the Workplace
LL4H9 - Human Rights in the Workplace 2024/25
LL4K4 - The International Law of Self-Determination 2024/25
LL4K9 - European Capital Markets Law 2024/25
LL4S1 - Cyberlaw 2024/25
LL4S2 - E-Commerce Law 2024/25
LL4S4 - Digital Rights, Privacy and Security 2024/25
LL4Y9 - Comparative and Transnational Law
LL4Y9 - Comparative and Transnational Law 2024/25
LL4Z1 - Business Taxation
LL4Z1 - Business Taxation: Principles and Practice - 2024/25
LL4Z2 - Principles of Taxation and Tax Disputes
LL4Z5 State Aid and Subsidies Regulation
LL4Z6 - Comparative Constitutional Law
LL4Z6 - Comparative Constitutional Law 2024/25
LL4Z9 - Banking Law
LLB Programme Moodle Page 2024/25
LLM Programme Moodle Page 2024/25
LLM Sample Summative Assessments
LN_Practice 1
LN_Practice 2
LN104A Mandarin Language and Society 1 (Beginner) 2024/25
LN104B- Mandarin Language and Society 1 (Beginner) 2024/25
LN110 - German Language and Society 3 (Advanced) 2024/25
LN112 - German Language and Society 2 (Intermediate) 2024/25
LN130 - French Language and Society 3 (Advanced) 2024/25
LN140 - Mandarin Language and Society 3 (Advanced) 2024/25
LN142 - Mandarin Language and Society 2 (Intermediate) 2024/25
LN210 - German Language and Society 4 (Proficiency) 2024/25
LN220 - Spanish Language and Society 4 (Proficiency) 2024/25
LN240 - Mandarin Language and Society 4 (Proficiency) 2024/25
LN241 - Mandarin for IR 2024/25
LN250 - English Literature and Society 2024/25
LN251 - Comparative Literature and 20th Century Political History 2024/25
LN252 - Contemporary Literature and Global Society 2024/25
LN253 - European Literature and Philosophy 2024/25
LN254 Literature and Aspects of Ethics 2024/25
LN341 - Mandarin in the Global Workplace 2024/25
LN342 Academic Chinese for International Relations 2024/25
LN701: Arabic Level One (Standard) 2024/25
LN702 - Arabic: Level One (Fast Track for Learners familiar with Arabic script) 2024/25
LN704 - Arabic: Level Two (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN712 - Mandarin: Level One (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN714 - Mandarin: Level Two (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN716 Mandarin Level 3 (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN718 - Mandarin: Level Four (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN719 - Mandarin: Level Five (Standard) 2024/25
LN721, LN722 - French: Level One (Standard and Fast Track) 2024/25
LN723, LN724 - French: Level Two (Standard and Fast Track) 2024/25
LN727, LN728 - French: Level Three (Standard and Fast Track) 2024/25
LN729, LN730 - French: Level Four (Standard/Fast Track) 2024/25
LN744 German level 1 Fast Track - Groups 1 & 2: Wed 4 - 6; Thu 6 - 8 2024/25
LN748 - German: Level Two (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN750 - German: Level Three (Standard) 2024/25
LN751 - German: Level Three (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN753 - German: Level Four (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN754 - German: Level Five (Current Issues) 2024/25
LN759 - Italian: Level One (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN766 - Japanese: Level One (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN768 - Japanese: Level Two (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN769 - Japanese: Level Three (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN775 - Russian: Level Three (Standard) 2024/25
LN776 - Russian: Level Four (Standard) 2024/25
LN779 - Spanish: Level One (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN781 - Spanish: Level Two (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN782 - Spanish: Level Three (Standard) 2024/25
LN783 - Spanish: Level Three (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN788 - Spanish: Level Five (Current Issues) 2024/25
LN803 Spanish: Level 4 (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN808 - Mandarin: Level Five (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN811 - Korean: Level One (Standard) 2024/25
LN814 - Mandarin: Level Five (Current issues) 2024/25
LN815 - Russian: Level One (Fast Track) 2024/25
LN829 Arabic Beginners (Integrated Approach) 2024/25
LN991 Academic Writing 2024/25
LN992 Academic Writing 2024/25
LN993 Academic Writing for Dissertations 2024/25
LN994 Academic Writing for Exams 2024/25
LSE Community Engagement Programme 2023
LSE Community Engagement Programme 2024
LSE Congress 2024/25
LSE Education Forum
LSE ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)
LSE ImpACT - Agents of Change and Transformation
LSE LIFE - Turnitin Practice Link
LSE Student Academic Mentor Training
LSE Teaching Online
LSE100 2024/25
LSE100 Fellows' Moodle
LSE100 for Zoonou
LTI006.1 - Assessment workflows for marking and feedback
MA100 for Zoonou
MA102 - Mathematical Proof and Analysis, and MA103 - Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MA102 - Mathematical Proof and Analysis, and MA103 - Introduction to Abstract Mathematics 2024/25
MA160P - Mathematics Department 1st Year Seminars 2024/25
MA303 - Chaos in Dynamical Systems
MA314 - Algorithms and Programming
MA333 - Optimization for Machine Learning
MA333 - Optimization for Machine Learning 2024/25
MA402 - Game Theory I
MA408 Topics in Discrete Mathematics
MA408 Topics in Discrete Mathematics 2024/25
MA415 - The Mathematics of the Black and Scholes Theory
MA415 - The Mathematics of the Black and Scholes Theory 2024/25
MA429 Algorithmic Techniques in Machine Learning
MA429 Algorithmic Techniques in Machine Learning 2024/25
MA431 Advanced Topics in Operations Research and Applicable Mathematics
MA435 - Machine Learning in Financial Mathematics
MA435 - Machine Learning in Financial Mathematics 2024/25
Machine learning 1: cats and dogs image classification
Machine learning 2: face detection algorithms
Machine Learning with Python for Accounting and Finance
Make Moodle Work Harder For You
Management / PhD Programmes
Management / PhD Programmes 2024/25
MAP - Minorities and Philosophy
MAP - Minorities and Philosophy 2024/25
Master's in Management (MiM)
Mathematics Class Teachers
MC300 Media Power and Communication Practice
MC300: Media, Communication, and Power. 2024/25
MC401 Mediated Resistance and Activism
MC402 The Audience in Media and Communications
MC402 The Audience in Media and Communications 2024/25
MC403 Contemporary Issues in Media Policy
MC403 Contemporary Issues in Media Policy 2024/25
MC404 Political Communication in Democracies
MC404 Political Communication in Democracies 2024/25
MC407 - International Media and the Global South 2024/25
MC409 Media, Technology and Everyday Life
MC409 Media, Technology and Everyday Life 2024/25
MC411 Media and Globalisation
MC411 Media and Globalisation 2024/25
MC416 Representation in the Age of Globalisation 2024/25
MC418 Communication: Culture and Approaches 2024/25
MC419 Modern Campaigning Politics
MC419 Modern Campaigning Politics 2024/25
MC421 Critical Approaches to Media, Communication & Development
MC421 Critical Approaches to Media, Communication & Development 2024/25
MC422 Critical Studies in Media and Journalism
MC422 Critical Studies in Media and Journalism 2024/25
MC424 Media and Communication Governance
MC424 Media and Communication Governance 2024/25
MC425 - Interpersonal Mediated Commmunication
MC425 - Interpersonal Mediated Commmunication 2024/25
MC426 - Film Theory and World Cinema
MC426 - Film Theory and World Cinema 2024/25
MC427 Digital Media Futures
MC427 Digital Media Futures 2024/25
MC428 Media Culture and Neoliberalism in the Global South 2024/25
MC429 Humanitarian Communication: Realities, Challenges and Critiques
MC429 Humanitarian Communication: Realities, Challenges and Critiques 2024/25
MC430 Data in Communication and Society
MC430 Data in Communication and Society 2024/25
MC431 Critical Approaches to Strategic Communications
MC431 Critical Approaches to Strategic Communications 2024/25
MC432 Strategic Communication in Practice: Professional Perspectives
MC432 Strategic Communication in Practice: Professional Perspectives 2024/25
MC433 Technology & Justice
MC436 Mediating the Past
MC436 Mediating the Past 2024/25
MC438 Mediated Feminisms
MC438 Mediated Feminisms 2024/25
MC439 Media, Technology, and the Body
MC440 - Children, Youth and Media 2024/25
MC499.2B Dissertation Study Skills
MC499.2B Dissertation Study Skills 2024/25
MC4M1 Methods of Research in Media and Communications 2024/25
MC4M1/2 Methods of Research in Media and Communications
MC500/MC501 Research Seminar for Media and Communications 2024/25
Melissa's Course
Methodology PhD Portal
Methods Surgery
MG104 Operations Management
MG104 Operations Management 2024/25
MG105 Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
MG105 Organisational Behaviour and Leadership 2024/25
MG205 - Econometrics: Theory and Applications 2023/24
MG205 - Econometrics: Theory and Applications 2024/25
MG206 - Firms, Management and Competitive Advantage 2024/25
MG207 - Managerial Economics
MG207 - Managerial Economics 2024/25
MG209 - E-business 2024/25
MG210 - Corporate Social Responsibility and International Labour Standards
MG212 - Marketing 2024/25
MG213 - Information Systems 2024/25
MG214 - Human Resource Management 2024/25
MG301 - Strategy
MG301 - Strategy 2024/25
MG302 - Topics in Management Research 2024/25
MG303: International Business Strategy and Emerging Markets 2024/25
MG305 - Innovation and Technology Management 2024/25
MG307 - International Context of Management 2024/25
MG308 - Simulations for Managerial Decisions
MG308 - Simulations for Managerial Decisions 2024/25
MG311 - Foundations of Behavioural Decision Science 2024/25
MG316 - Brand Strategy 2025
MG317 - Leading Organisational Change 2024/25
MG318 - Social Enterprise Design Fundamentals 2024/25
MG401 - Operations Management for Management Consultancy
MG401 - Operations Management for Management Consultancy 2024/25
MG402 - Public Management: A Design-Oriented Approach
MG402 - Public Management: A Design-Oriented Approach 2024/25
MG404 - Consumer Insights: Behavioural Fundamentals
MG404 - Consumer Insights: Behavioural Fundamentals 2024/25
MG406E - Behavioural Decision Science 2024/25
MG406E - Behavioural Decision Science 2019/20
MG406E - Behavioural Decision Science 2020/21
MG406E - Behavioural Decision Science 2021/22
MG406E - Behavioural Decision Science 2022/23
MG406E - Behavioural Decision Science 2023/24
MG409 - Auctions and Game Theory
MG409 - Auctions and Game Theory 2024/25
MG411 - Firms and Markets 2024/25
MG418 - Open Innovation
MG418 - Open Innovation 2024/25
MG439 - Organisational Behaviour for Master's in Management
MG439 - Organisational Behaviour for Master's in Management 2024/25
MG454 Leadership in Practice 2018-20
MG455 - Decisions, Biases and Nudges
MG455 - Decisions, Biases and Nudges 2024/25
MG456 - Group & Team Decision-Making Processes
MG456 - Group & Team Decision-Making Processes 2024/25
MG465 - Managerial Economics for Master's in Management
MG465 - Managerial Economics for Master's in Management 2024/25
MG475 - Organisational Theory and Practice 2024/25
MG480 - Foundations of Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice 2024/25
MG488A - GMiM Capstone: Management in Practice
MG488A - GMiM Capstone: Management in Practice 2024/25
MG492 - Data Governance: Privacy, Openness and Transparency
MG492 - Data Governance: Privacy, Openness and Transparency 2024/25
MG498E 2020-22 Dissertation/Capstone Project (Track 2)
MG498E Dissertation/Capstone Project 2020-22 (Track 1)
MG4A1 - Introduction to Studying for GMiM 2024/25
MG4A6 - Strategic Competitive Analysis
MG4A6 - Strategic Competitive Analysis 2024/25
MG4A8 - Strategy for the Information Economy
MG4A8 - Strategy for the Information Economy 2024/25
MG4A9 - Business Strategy, Management and Analytics 2024/25
MG4B3 - International Marketing A Strategic Approach 2024/25
MG4B7 - Leading Organisational Change 2024/25
MG4C3 - IT and Service Innovation
MG4C3 - IT and Service Innovation 2024/25
MG4D2 - International Employment Relations 2024/25
MG4D5 - Leadership in Organisations: Theory and Practice 2024/25
MG4F1 - Marketing Action Learning Project 2024/25
MG4F4 - International Management in Action (MiM Capstone Course)
MG4F5 - Business in the Global Environment
MG4F7 - Business Analysis
MG4F7 - Business Analysis 2024/25
MG4G8 - Human Resource Management Skills and Practitioner Speaker Series
MG4H1E - Foundations of Social Business I 2019-20
MG4H1E - Foundations of Social Business I 2020-21
MG4H1E - Foundations of Social Business I 2021-22
MG4H1E - Foundations of Social Business I 2022-23
MG4H1E - Foundations of Social Business I 2023-24
MG4H1E - Foundations of Social Business I 2024-25
MG4H1E Foundations of Social Business I 2018-19
MG4H2E - Foundations of Social Business II 2019-20
MG4H2E - Foundations of Social Business II 2020-21
MG4H2E - Foundations of Social Business II 2021-22
MG4H2E - Foundations of Social Business II 2022-23
MG4H2E - Foundations of Social Business II 2023-24
MG4H2E - Foundations of Social Business II 2024-25
MG4H2E Foundations of Social Business II 2018-19
MG4H3E - Social Impact and Its Evaluation 2019-20
MG4H3E - Social Impact and Its Evaluation 2020-21
MG4H3E - Social Impact and Its Evaluation 2021-22
MG4H3E - Social Impact and Its Evaluation 2022-23
MG4H3E - Social Impact and Its Evaluation 2023-24
MG4H3E - Social Impact and Its Evaluation 2024-25
MG4H3E Social Impact and Its Evaluation 2018-19
MG4H4E - The Altruistic Entrepreneur Project 2019-20
MG4H4E - The Altruistic Entrepreneur Project 2020-21
MG4H4E - The Altruistic Entrepreneur Project 2021-22
MG4H4E - The Altruistic Entrepreneur Project 2022-23
MG4H4E - The Altruistic Entrepreneur Project 2023-24
MG4H4E - The Altruistic Entrepreneur Project 2024-25
MG4H4E, The Altruistic Entrepreneur Project
MG4H5E - The Altruistic Leader 2019-20
MG4H5E - The Altruistic Leader 2020-21
MG4H5E - The Altruistic Leader 2021-22
MG4H5E - The Altruistic Leader 2022-23
MG4H5E The Altruistic Leader 2018-19
MG4H6E - The Hybrid Economy 2019-20
MG4H6E - The Hybrid Economy 2020-21
MG4H6E - The Hybrid Economy 2021-22
MG4H6E - The Hybrid Economy 2022-23
MG4H6E - The Hybrid Economy 2023-24
MG4H6E - The Hybrid Economy 2024-25
MG4H6E The Hybrid Economy 2018-19
MG4H7E - The Purpose-Driven Corporation 2023-24
MG4H7E - The Purpose-Driven Corporation 2024-25
MG4J1 - Introduction to Mathematics and Data Analysis for Managers
MG4J1 - Introduction to Mathematics and Data Analysis for Managers 2024/25
MG4J2 - Social Business Design
MG4J2 - Social Business Design 2024/25
MG4J7 - Consumer Neuroscience 2024/25
MG4L1 - HR and People Management Career Series
MG527 - Advanced Quantitative Analysis for Research in Management
MG598 - Research Paper in Management (MRes PhD Programmes)
MG598 - Research Paper in Management (MRes PhD Programmes) 2024/25
Moodle Basics
Moodle Essentials Demo Course (2024/25)
Moodle Essentials Practice Course (2024/25) - Alex Newton
Moodle Essentials Practice Course (2024/25) - Doreen Thompson-Addo
Moodle Essentials Practice Course (2024/25) - Elizabeth Holden
Moodle Essentials Practice Course (2024/25) - Lewis Dixon
Moodle Essentials Practice Course (2024/25) - Madeleine Leong
Moodle Essentials Practice Course (2024/25) - Sabina Allam-Patel
Moodle Essentials Practice Course (2024/25) - Soryoung Han
Moodle Essentials Practice Course (2024/25) - Ying Zeng
Moodle Fast Track 23/24
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Ayman Hassan
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Demetra Frini
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Denise Bandeira De Castro
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Jacquie Minter
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Jan Kozdra
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Jill
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Lewis
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Melissa Nicholson
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Nayna Bhatti 2024
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - S Bhatti
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Sarah Greene
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Shelby Yearwood
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Simon Burr
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Sonia Gomes
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Timothy Hochstrasser
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 - Zahra
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 Alex Evans
Moodle Fast Track 23/24 Ines Alonso-Garcia
Moodle for academics: Eoin Meade
MPA Capstone
MPA Capstone 2024/25
MRes/PhD in Accounting
MRes/PhD in Accounting 2024/25
MSc City Design and Social Science 2024/25
MSc Economic Policy for International Development 2024/25
MSc Finance (Full-time) & Private Equity
MSc Finance (Full-time) & Private Equity 2024/25
MSc Finance (Part-time) Year 1
MSc Finance (Part-time) Year 1 2024/25
MSc Finance (Part-time) Year 2
MSc Finance (Part-time) Year 2 2024/25
MSc Finance & Risk 2024/25
MSc Finance and Economics 2024/25
MSc Gender, Policy and Inequalities
MSc Management and Strategy 2024/25 Programme Page
MSc Management and Strategy 2023/24 Programme Page
MSc Urbanisation and Development
MY361 - Social Network Analysis
MY361 - Social Network Analysis 2024/25
MY400/MY500 - Fundamentals of Social Science Research Design
MY400/MY500 - Fundamentals of Social Science Research Design 2024/25
MY401 Research Design for Studies in Digital Innovation
MY401 Research Design for Studies in Digital Innovation 2024/25
MY405/MY505 - Research Design for Policy and Programme Evaluation 2024/25
MY423 - Interview Methods for Social Science Research
MY423 - Interview Methods for Social Science Research 2024/25
MY426/MY526 - Doing Ethnography
MY426/MY526 - Doing Ethnography 2024/25
MY428 / MY528 - Qualitative Text and Discourse Analysis
MY428 / MY528 - Qualitative Text and Discourse Analysis 2024/25
MY456/MY556 - Survey Methodology
MY456/MY556 - Survey Methodology 2024/25
MY457/MY557 - Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Studies
MY457/MY557 - Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Studies 2024/25
MY461/MY561 - Social Network Analysis
MY461/MY561 - Social Network Analysis 2024/25
MY465 - Intermediate Quantitative Analysis
MY465 - Intermediate Quantitative Analysis 2024/25
MY470/MY570 - Computer Programming
MY470/MY570 - Computer Programming 2024/25
MY474/574 - Applied Machine Learning for Social Science
MY474/574 - Applied Machine Learning for Social Science 2024/25
MY475 - Applied Deep Learning for Social Science
MY476 - Population Analysis: Methods and Models 2024/25
MY580 Short Courses in Advanced Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
Navigating the New Normal
New Academic Induction Programme 2023
Objetivos del Milenio
OpenLearn: Learn to code for data analysis
PB101 - Foundations of Psychological Science
PB101 - Foundations of Psychological Science 2024/25
PB201 – Cognitive Psychology
PB201 – Cognitive Psychology 2024/25
PB202 – Developmental Psychology
PB202 – Developmental Psychology 2024/25
PB204 – Social Psychology: Individuals, Groups and Culture
PB204 – Social Psychology: Individuals, Groups and Culture 2024/25
PB205 – Individual Differences and Why They Matter
PB205 – Individual Differences and Why They Matter 2024/25
PB300 - Advances in Psychological and Behavioural Science
PB300 - Advances in Psychological and Behavioural Science 2024/25
PB303 - Organisations, Groups and Identity
PB303 - Organisations, Groups and Identity 2024/25
PB304 - Organisational and Social Decision-Making
PB307 - Consumer Psychology for Sustainability
PB307 - Consumer Psychology for Sustainability 2024/25
PB308 - Social Psychology of Economic Life 2024/25
PB310 - Independent Research Project
PB310 - Independent Research Project 2024/25
PB312 - Research Apprenticeship
PB312 - Research Apprenticeship 2024/25
PB401 - Contemporary Social and Cultural Psychology
PB401 - Contemporary Social and Cultural Psychology 2024/25
PB402 - Organisational Social Psychology 2024/25
PB403 - Psychology of Economic Life 2024/25
PB413E - Frontiers in Behavioural Science Methods 2021/22
PB413E - Frontiers in Behavioural Science Methods 2022/23
PB413E - Frontiers in Behavioural Science Methods 2023/24
PB413E Frontiers in Behavioural Science Methods 2020/21
PB417 - Consumer Psychology for Sustainability
PB417 - Consumer Psychology for Sustainability 2024/25
PB418 - Corporate Communications
PB418 - Corporate Communications 2024/25
PB425 - Organizations, Groups and Identity 2024/25
PB428: Political Psychology - Inequality and Intergroup Relations
PB428: Political Psychology - Inequality and Intergroup Relations 2024/25
PB429 - Science Innovation and Human Future
PB431 - The Social Psychology of Economic Life 2024/25
PB432 - Social Representations
PB433 - Theory and Practice of Organisational Development
PB433 - Theory and Practice of Organisational Development 2024/25
PB434E - Behavioural Science in an Age of New Technology 2021/22
PB434E - Behavioural Science in an Age of New Technology 2022/23
PB434E - Behavioural Science in an Age of New Technology 2023/24
PB434E Behavioural Science in an Age of New Technology 2020/21
PB450E - Behavioural Science and Policy 2024/25
PB450E - Behavioural Science and Policy 2021/22
PB450E - Behavioural Science and Policy 2022/23
PB450E - Behavioural Science and Policy 2023/24
PB450E Behavioural Science and Policy 2020/21
PB457 - Organisational Culture
PB457 - Organisational Culture 2024/25
PB457E - Organisational Culture 2021/22
PB457E - Organisational Culture 2022/23
PB457E Organisational Culture 2020/21
PB458 - Dialogue: Conflict & Negotiation
PB458 - Dialogue: Conflict & Negotiation 2024/25
PB471E Research Methods for Behavioural Science 2024/25
PB471E Research Methods for Behavioural Science 2020/21
PB471E Research Methods for Behavioural Science 2021/22
PB471E Research Methods for Behavioural Science 2022/23
PB471E Research Methods for Behavioural Science 2023/24
PB4A7: Quantitative Applications for Behavioural Science
PB4A7: Quantitative Applications for Behavioural Science 2024/25
PBS GTAs 2024/25
PBS MSc Homepage
PBS MSc Homepage 2024/25
PH103 - The Big Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy
PH103 - The Big Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy 2024/25
PH230 Einstein for Everyone: From time travel to the edge of the universe
PH230 Einstein for Everyone: From time travel to the edge of the universe 2024/25
PH232 - Physics and Uncertainty: From Quantum Jumps to Stock Market Crashes
PH232 - Physics and Uncertainty: From Quantum Jumps to Stock Market Crashes 2024/25
PH240 - Ethics of Data and AI 2024/25
PH333 - Philosophy of Gender and Race
PH333 - Philosophy of Gender and Race 2024/25
PH344 - PPE Research Seminar 2024/25
PH431 - Physics and Uncertainty: From quantum jumps to stock market crashes
PH431 - Physics and Uncertainty: From quantum jumps to stock market crashes 2024/25
PH433 - Philosophy of Gender and Race
PH433 - Philosophy of Gender and Race 2024/25
PhD Knowledge Bank in COVID Times
PhD Academy
PhD Finance 2024/25
PhD Financial Intermediation & Macroeconomics
Policy Paper and Dissertation
Policy Paper and Dissertation 2024/25
Postgraduate Accounting Students Moodle page
Postgraduate Accounting Students Moodle page 2024/25
Postgraduate Practitioner Challenges
PP401 - Political Science for Public Policy
PP401 - Political Science for Public Policy 2024/25
PP402 - Quantitative Methods for Public Policy
PP402 - Quantitative Methods for Public Policy 2024/25
PP403 - Public Management
PP403 - Public Management 2024/25
PP404 - Economics for Public Policy
PP404 - Economics for Public Policy 2024/25
PP405 - Public Policy Applications
PP405 - Public Policy Applications 2024/25
PP406 - Philosophy for Public Policy
PP406 - Philosophy for Public Policy 2024/25
PP407 Pre-Sessional Coding and Mathematics Bootcamp
PP407 Pre-Sessional Coding and Mathematics Bootcamp 2024/25
PP409 Introductory teaching for the Master of Public Policy (MPP)
PP409E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop III June 2023
PP409E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop III June 2024
PP409E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop III June 2025
PP409E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop III May 2022
PP409E Public Policy in Practice Workshop III May 2019
PP409E Public Policy in Practice Workshop III May 2020
PP409E Public Policy in Practice Workshop III May 2021
PP410 Public Economics for Public Policy
PP410 Public Economics for Public Policy 2024/25
PP410E Public Economics Dec 2019
PP410E Public Economics Dec 2020
PP410E Public Economics Dec 2021
PP410E Public Economics Sept 2022
PP410E Public Economics Sept 2023
PP410E Public Economics Sept 2024
PP411A - Political Entrepreneurship
PP411W - Political Economy Applications for Public Policy
PP411W - Political Economy Applications for Public Policy 2024/25
PP412 Cold War II? Public Policy Implications of US-China Relations in the 2020s (2023-24)
PP413 - Growth Diagnostics in Development: Theory and Practice
PP413 - Growth Diagnostics in Development: Theory and Practice 2024/25
PP414 - Policy Making: Process, Challenges and Outcomes
PP414 - Policy Making: Process, Challenges and Outcomes 2024/25
PP415 - Technology, Data Science & Public Policy
PP415 - Technology, Data Science & Public Policy 2024/25
PP417A - The Practice of Effective Climate Policy 2024/25
PP417W - The Practice of Effective Climate Policy
PP417W - The Practice of Effective Climate Policy 2024/25
PP418 Globalisation and Economic Policy
PP418 Globalisation and Economic Policy 2024/25
PP419 Advanced Empirical Methods for Policy Analysis
PP419 Advanced Empirical Methods for Policy Analysis 2024/25
PP422 Data Science for Public Policy
PP422 Data Science for Public Policy 2024/25
PP423 - Anticipatory Policy Making
PP423 - Anticipatory Policy Making 2024/25
PP424 - Happiness and Public Policy
PP424 - Happiness and Public Policy 2024/25
PP425 Strategic Policymaking: Economic Analysis, Narrative Development, Political Feasibility, and Implementation
PP426 - Public Policy for Blockchains and Digital Assets
PP426 - Public Policy for Blockchains and Digital Assets 2024/25
PP431- Reimagining Capitalism 2024/25
PP432 - International Organisations, Policymaking and Diplomacy in a contested world
PP433 - Topics in Model Based Quantitative Analysis for Public Policy (0.5)
PP434 - Automated Data Visualisation for Policymaking (0.5)
PP435 Trade Policy and Development
PP440 Micro and Macro Economics (for Public Policy)
PP440 Micro and Macro Economics (for Public Policy) 2024/25
PP440E Economic Policy Analysis Nov 2020
PP440E Economic Policy Analysis Sept 2019
PP440E Economic Policy Analysis September 2021
PP448 - International Political Economy & Development
PP448 - International Political Economy & Development 2024/25
PP449 Comparative Political Economy and Development
PP449 Comparative Political Economy and Development 2024/25
PP450 - Public Organisations: Theory and Practice
PP452 Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery, Evaluation and Policy
PP452 Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery, Evaluation and Policy 2024/25
PP454 Development Economics
PP454 Development Economics 2024/25
PP455 Quantitative Approaches and Policy Analysis
PP455 Quantitative Approaches and Policy Analysis 2024/25
PP455E Empirical Methods for Public Policy April 2021
PP455E Empirical Methods for Public Policy Jan 2022
PP455E Empirical Methods for Public Policy Jan 2023
PP455E Empirical Methods for Public Policy Jan 2024
PP455E Empirical Methods for Public Policy Jan 2025
PP455E Empirical Methods for Public Policy Sept 2020
PP465 - City-Making: the Politics of Urban Form
PP465 - City-Making: the Politics of Urban Form 2024/25
PP478 - Political Science for Public Policy 2023-24
PP478 - Political Science for Public Policy 2024/25
PP4E5 Innovations in the governance of public services delivery
PP4E5 Innovations in the governance of public services delivery 2024/25
PP4G3 Designing and Managing Change in the Public Sector 2024/25
PP4G8E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Dec 2018
PP4G8E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Dec 2019
PP4G8E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Dec 2020
PP4G8E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Sept 2021
PP4G8E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Sept 2022
PP4G8E EMPA Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Sept 2023
PP4G9E EMPA Public Policy in Practice II 2020
PP4G9E EMPA Public Policy in Practice II 2021
PP4G9E EMPA Public Policy in Practice II June 2023
PP4G9E EMPA Public Policy in Practice II June 2024
PP4G9E EMPA Public Policy in Practice II May 2022
PP4G9E Public Policy in Practice Workshop II May 2019
PP4J1E EMPP Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Dec 2018
PP4J1E EMPP Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Dec 2020
PP4J1E EMPP Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Sept 2021
PP4J1E EMPP Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Sept 2022
PP4J1E EMPP Public Policy in Practice Workshop I Sept 2023
PP4J2 New Institutions of Public Policy: Strategic Philanthropy, Impact Investment and Social Enterprise
PP4J2 New Institutions of Public Policy: Strategic Philanthropy, Impact Investment and Social Enterprise 2024/25
PP4J2E EMPP Public Policy in Practice II 2021
PP4J2E EMPP Public Policy in Practice II June 2023
PP4J2E EMPP Public Policy in Practice II June 2024
PP4J2E EMPP Public Policy in Practice II May 2022
PP4J2E Public Policy in Practice Workshop II May 2019
PP4J3E EMPP Public Policy in Practice Workshop III June 2023
PP4J3E EMPP Public Policy in Practice Workshop III June 2024
PP4J3E EMPP Public Policy in Practice Workshop III June 2025
PP4J3E EMPP Public Policy in Practice Workshop III May 2022
PP4J3E Public Policy in Practice Workshop III May 2019
PP4J3E Public Policy in Practice Workshop III May 2020
PP4J3E Public Policy in Practice Workshop III May 2021
PP4J5 Fiscal Governance and Budgeting
PP4J5E Fiscal Governance and Budgeting Feb 2021
PP4J5E Fiscal Governance and Budgeting Feb 2022
PP4J5E Fiscal Governance and Budgeting Feb 2023
PP4J5E Fiscal Governance and Budgeting Feb 2024
PP4J5E Fiscal Governance and Budgeting Feb 2025
PP4X6 Welfare Analysis and Measurement
Professional Skills Accelerator
Python and R for MSc Finance (Part-time)
Python Basics for MA214 Algorithms and Data Structures
Python Basics for MA407
Python Coding Challenge WT24
Python for Accounting
Python for Data Science Pre-sessional Course
Python for Finance for BSc Students
Python for Finance for MSc Students
Python for MA323
Python for MA417
Python for MSc Finance (Part-time)
Quantitative Methods for DV410 2024/25
Querying in NVivo
R Advanced for Methodology Preparatory Course
R and Python for MSc Finance & Risk
R and Python for MSc Finance and MSc Finance and Private Equity
R Basics for Methodology Preparatory Course
R for Data Science Pre-sessional Course 23/24
R for Econometrics EC402
R for Environmental Economics Pre-sessional Course
R for FM321
R for FM408 Financial Engineering
R for Methodology - Support
R for MG4E9
R for Statistics Pre-sessional Course
Race Matters Initiative
Race Matters Initiative 2024/25
RESITS LSE100 2021/22
RESITS LSE100 2022/23
RESITS LSE100 2023/24
School of Public Policy - RDAP
SFHEA trailblazer
Showcase Portfolios
SO102 - Data in Society: Researching Social Life
SO110 Power, Inequality, and Difference: Contemporary Themes in Sociology 2024/25
SO221 Researching London: Advanced Social Research Methods
SO221 Researching London: Advanced Social Research Methods 2024/25
SO232 - Sociology of Health and Illness
SO232 Sociology of Health and Illness 2024/25
SO235 - The Sociology of Homicide
SO235 The Sociology of Homicide 2024/25
SO237 – Racial Borderscapes
SO237 Racial Borderscapes 2024/25
SO240 – Crime, Deviance and Control
SO244 – The Sociology of Race and Empire
SO244 The Sociology of Race and Empire 2024/25
SO248 - Gender and Society
SO248 - Gender and Society 2024/25
SO309 Atrocity and Justice 2024/25
SO312 - Work, Inequality & Society
SO312 Work, Inequality & Society 2024/25
SO314 Class, Culture and Meritocracy
SO314 Class, Culture and Meritocracy 2024/25
SO348 – Family Diversity and Change
SO348 Family Diversity and Change 2024/25
SO407 - Politics and Society
SO407 Politics and Society 2024/25
SO424 Approaches to Human Rights 2024/25
SO426 Classical Social Thought 2024/25
SO430 - Economic Sociology
SO434 Cultural Theory and Cultural Forms 2024/25
SO454 - Families and Inequalities
SO479 Human Rights and Postcolonial Theory 2024/25
SO488 Social Scientific Analysis of Inequalities 2024/25
SO490 Contemporary Social Thought 2024/25
SO4B7 | Lawful Violence: Policing, Militaries and Security
SO4B7 Lawful Violence: Policing, Militaries and Security 2024/25
SO4B8 Internationalism and Solidarity 2024/25
SO4B9 The Sociology of Consumption 2024/25
SO4C1 Fascism, Authoritarianism, Populism 2024/25
SO4C4 Global Mobilities: International Migration 2024/25
SO4C5 The Social Life of Infrastructure 2024/25
SO4C6 Reading Black Thought
SO4C6 Reading Black Thought 2024/25
SO4C9 Risk Governance 2024/25
SO4D1 - Economic Sociology 2024/25
SO4D2 - Modern Personhoods and Identitarian Thought (0.5) 2024/25
SO500 Research Seminar for MPhil Students 2024/25
SO501 Data Analysis Workshop 2024/25
Social Mobility, Politics and Meritocracy
Sociology - RDAP 2024/25
SP100 - Understanding International Social and Public Policy
SP100 - Understanding International Social and Public Policy 2024/25
SP101 - Foundations of Social Policy Research
SP101 - Foundations of Social Policy Research 2024/25
SP111 - Social Economics and Policy
SP111 - Social Economics and Policy 2024/25
SP201 Research Methods for Social Policy
SP201 Research Methods for Social Policy 2023-24
SP232 Health and Social Care Policy
SP232 Health and Social Care Policy 2024/25
SP314 - Ethnicity, Race and Social Policy
SP314 - Ethnicity, Race and Social Policy 2024/25
SP315 - Urbanisation and Social Policy in the Global Souths
SP315 - Urbanisation and Social Policy in the Global Souths 2024/25
SP331 Sexuality, Everyday Lives and Social Policy in Developing Countries
SP331 Sexuality, Everyday Lives and Social Policy in Developing Countries 2024/25
SP332 Social Security Policies
SP332 Social Security Policies 2024/25
SP335 Migration: Current Research, Critical Approaches
SP335 Migration: Current Research, Critical Approaches 2024/25
SP372 - Punishment and Penal Policy
SP372 - Punishment and Penal Policy 2024/25
SP399 Dissertation
SP399 Dissertation 2024/25
SP400 - International Social & Public Policy
SP400 - International Social & Public Policy 2024/25
SP401 - Understanding Policy Research
SP401 - Understanding Policy Research 2024/25
SP403 Academic and Professional Skills Development
SP403 Academic and Professional Skills Development 2024/25
SP410 - Migration: Current Research, Critical Approaches
SP410 - Migration: Current Research, Critical Approaches 2024/25
SP411 - Social Policy and Development
SP411 - Social Policy and Development 2024/25
SP412 - Non-Governmental Organisations, Social Policy and Development
SP412 - Non-Governmental Organisations, Social Policy and Development 2024/25
SP413 - Understanding Social (Dis)advantage
SP414 - Ethnicity, Race and Social Policy
SP414 - Ethnicity, Race and Social Policy 2024/25
SP415 - Urbanisation and Social Policy in the Global Souths
SP415 - Urbanisation and Social Policy in the Global Souths 2024/25
SP417 - Sexuality, Everyday Lives and Social Policy in Developing Countries
SP417 - Sexuality, Everyday Lives and Social Policy in Developing Countries 2024/25
SP418 - Global Social Policy and International Organizations
SP418 - Global Social Policy and International Organizations 2024/25
SP419 - Social Movements, Activism, and Social Policy
SP419 - Social Movements, Activism, and Social Policy 2024/25
SP420 - Understanding Policy Research (Advanced)
SP420 - Understanding Policy Research (Advanced) 2024/25
SP430 - Social Security Policies
SP430 - Social Security Policies 2024/25
SP432 - Education Policy, Reform and Financing
SP432 - Education Policy, Reform and Financing 2024/25
SP434 - Behavioural Public Policy
SP434 - Behavioural Public Policy 2024/25
SP441 - Politics of Social Policy: Welfare and Work in Comparative Perspective
SP441: Politics of Social Policy 2024/25
SP442 – The Future of Work and Social Policy
SP442 – The Future of Work and Social Policy 2024/25
SP443 – The Social Policy of Climate Change
SP443 – The Social Policy of Climate Change 2024/25
SP444 Educational Inequality in the Global South
SP470 - Criminal Justice Policy
SP471 - Issues in Contemporary Policing
SP473 - Policing, Security and Globalisation 2024/25
SP475 - Riots, Disorder and Urban Violence
SP477 – Crime, Justice & Social Policy 2024/25
SP478 – Special Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice 2024/25
ST102/ST109/ST110 – Elementary Statistical Theory
ST102/ST109/ST110 – Elementary Statistical Theory 2024/25
ST207 – Databases
ST207 – Databases 2024/25
ST211 - Applied Regression
ST211 - Applied Regression 2024/25
ST226-Actuarial investigations: Financial
ST226-Actuarial investigations: Financial 2024/25
ST301 - Actuarial Mathematics (Life)
ST301 - Actuarial Mathematics (Life) 2024/25
ST306 - Actuarial Mathematics (General) 2024/25
ST308 - Bayesian Inference 2024/25
ST309 Elementary Data Analytics
ST309 Elementary Data Analytics 2024/25
ST310 - Machine Learning 2024/25
ST312 - Applied Statistics Project
ST312 - Applied Statistics Project 2024/25
ST314 - Multilevel and Longitudinal Models
ST314 - Multilevel and Longitudinal Models 2024/25
ST326 - Financial Statistics
ST326 - Financial Statistics 2024/25
ST327 – Market Research: An Integrated Approach 2024/25
ST330 - Stochastic and Actuarial Methods in Finance
ST330 - Stochastic and Actuarial Methods in Finance 2024/25
ST405 - Multivariate Methods
ST405 - Multivariate Methods 2024/25
ST418 - Advanced Time Series Analysis 2024/25
ST422 - Time Series
ST425 - Statistical Inference: Principles, Methods and Computation
ST425 - Statistical Inference: Principles, Methods and Computation 2024/25
ST429 - Statistical Methods for Risk Management 2024/25
ST436 - Financial Statistics
ST436 - Financial Statistics 2024/25
ST442 - Longitudinal Data Analysis (also ST542)
ST442 - Longitudinal Data Analysis (also ST542) 2024/25
ST443 - Machine Learning and Data Mining 2024/25
ST449 – Artificial Intelligence
ST449 – Artificial Intelligence 2024/25
ST451 - Bayesian Machine Learning
ST451 - Bayesian Machine Learning 2024/25
ST452/ST552 - Probability and Mathematical Statistics I
ST452/ST552 - Probability and Mathematical Statistics I 2024/25
ST454 - Bayesian Data Analysis
ST454 - Bayesian Data Analysis 2024/25
ST457 - Graph Data Analytics and Representation Learning
ST457 - Graph Data Analytics and Representation Learning 2024/25
ST458 - Financial Statistics II 2024/25
ST498 - Capstone Project
ST498 - Capstone Project 2024/25
ST510 - Foundations of Machine Learning 2024/25
Stata for AC332 – Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation
Stata for Economics and Management Pre-sessional Course
Stata for Economics Pre-Sessional Course
Stata for Health Policy Pre-sessional Course
Stata for Health Policy Pre-sessional Course 2024/25
Stata for Incubator Project
Stata for the School of Public Policy (SPP)
Stata, R and Python for MSc Finance and Economics students
Statistics department: academic staff training
STEP into LSE Careers
STEP into LSE Careers 2024/25
Student Interviews (Mock-up 1)
Student Volunteering Ambassadors
Support for Online Reading Lists (LSE Staff)
Supportworks Training
Sustainability at LSE
Text Analysis with Python
Text Analysis with R and Quanteda
The School of Public Policy (SPP)
The Sociology of Consumption
UG Academic and Professional Skills
UG Academic and Professional Skills 2024/25
UG Homepage
UG Homepage 2024/25
Undergraduate Practitioner Challenges
Understanding Careers: How can I make the most of my time as an LSE undergraduate
Year 2 Integration Essay for BSc in Psychological and Behavioural Science
Year 2 Integration Essay for BSc in Psychological and Behavioural Science 2024/25
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